AI is becoming a key strategic field of various countries, and has a profound impact on geopolitical multiple dimensions such as technological competition, security and defense, global influence, cooperation and competition.Its development has important geopolitical significance on the international stage, and various signs show that the future of geopolitics will be more and more affected by the development and application of AI.

It is estimated that artificial intelligence (AI) will contribute 3.3 percentage points to global economic productivity every year.With its development, in the geopolitical environment that is increasingly divided and polarized, countries are competing to ensure the economic, political and military advantages of AI.In view of the competitive situation, AI has become more diversified and unsatisfactory ecosystems. Its fragmentation has led to increasingly complex supervision and strategic technical characteristics that are not restricted by any international rules.

Re -interpret geopolitics in the AI ​​era

Geopolitics, in the traditional sense, linked geography with politics, is essentially politics.For a long time, technological development has had an important impact on geopolitics and socio -economic transformation, and has played an important role. Especially since modern times, a large -scale production, and later electronics and information technology (IT) The wave of automation led by the system is to the development of AI and information system today.

The emergence of

AI is the result of a technical cycle, but this technology is unique. Its inherent decentralized governance has attracted global attention in the early stage of application.The creation and strategic use of AI technology affect monitoring technology, economic competitiveness, information warfare and military capabilities.AI has a relatively leading country in developing and developing relatively leading countries. It has obvious advantages in terms of exerting influence, delivery power and controlling complex geopolitical structure.From a geopolitical perspective, AI is reshaping and changing global power relations through its unique way.

Today, mobile networks, data analysis, and algorithm applications have promoted social media, causing trivial news and manipulation, destroying national sovereignty, and so on.AI innovation is changing business models, creating value, distribution wealth and income, and imposing strict hierarchical systems at a shocking speed. Entering the AI ​​era, whether at the regional or global level, we must continue to analyze the geopolitical framework.Update, understanding of geographical politics seems to become more and more challenging.

AI is becoming a key strategic area for countries, and has a profound impact on geopolitics such as technological competition, security and defense, global influence, cooperation and competition.Its development has important geopolitical significance on the international stage, and various signs show that the future of geopolitics will be more and more affected by the development and application of AI.

AI stands at the forefront of geopolitical competition

The compound economy and national security interests brought by the leadership of AI will have a decisive role in the results of future competition between countries. Whether it is a large or small country, AI can use AI to surpass its influence. Who has strong education andInnovative ecosystems, who can use AI to make up for the problem of smaller population and decline in geopolitical influence.AI is not only crucial to the country's defense, but as its development, it will change people's understanding of information creation and distribution, and their political functions are also crucial.In particular, the huge economic income brought by AI is promoting its competition to occupy a central position in the Global Policy agenda.Therefore, it can be said that the development and deployment of AI are naturally standing at the forefront of accelerating geopolitical competition.

AI and more common leadership in emerging technology have become the forefront of geographical strategic competition between China and the United States.The United States is separating its AI ecosystem from China's ecosystem to consolidate the strong leading advantage of the United States in this regard, which marks the role of the United States in anchoring the Chinese AI ecosystem.Export control has prevented the important semiconductor technology of the United States to transfer to China, and the recently announced new foreign investment rules aim to prevent US capital and knowledge from flowing to China AI.Chinese leadership has long been committed to cultivating the AI ​​industry and promoting its development infrastructure. As early as 2017, China promulgated the "Made in China 2025".Obviously, China and the United States have mobilized, hoping to lead other countries in terms of AI capabilities, so as to obtain political, economic and military interests.

AI is not only a two -way competition between China and the United States.Britain, Canada, France, Singapore, India, South Korea, and Israel have become important participants.Powerful AI capabilities provide an opportunity for the so -called "medium power". In the international order that is increasingly influenced by Sino -US competition, it maintains economic competitiveness and geopolitical influence.

AI Facing Geopolical Political Bottleneck

The national level facing the global AI competition depends to a certain extent on promoting the structural advantage distribution required for development, especially in terms of computing power, talent, data, and infrastructure involved in the AI ​​field. ThisFour factors are widely considered to be a key component of AI development and adoption.With the contention of the country's political, economy, and military interests, who will have an uncertainty if it will take a long time.

In the future, AI will continue to compete around the four bottlenecks, especially computing power and talents, and will become the main areas of competition.Many countries around the world are generally aware of the importance of computing power. The cloud computing industry is likely to be the next goal in the United States. The United States is considering restricting AI and its service tools.EssenceOther AI competitors will also consider their strategic interests in the field of cloud computing.Although these related fields are becoming more sensitive, talent and related scientific cooperation and immigration policies will become more prominent issues.

Typical competition in the AI ​​field will become a technical test field for the United States, China, Russia and other participants in the military field.This is likely to bring serious risks of AI development out of control, such as the release of biological weapons with AI recognition capabilities and network attacks with AI support.In the absence of internationally recognized rules and regulations, in the process of actual use, it is necessary to find universal and practical norms, solve the morality, laws and security issues involved, set the development and harmSecurity guardrails to better promote AI services to human development, rather than triggering geopolitical disasters.

The author is a researcher at Hong Kong International Issues