The election of the central public officials in Taiwan is about to vote early next year. The external intervention intervention in the election has always been an issue that cannot be avoided and lingering. It is also the usual trick of alleging the opponent of all parties.In fact, in the past few decades, Taiwan has deliberately strived to visibility in the international community, and wants to internationalize the Taiwan issue and intervene in the Taiwan election, which has become an inevitable development and unavoidable result.

Especially in mainland China, through reform and opening up, improved economic systems, and gradually rising comprehensive national strength, and the military on both sides of the Taiwan Strait has gradually become unbalanced. After Taiwan ’s administration is in power, local political differences have deepened, and they deliberately cooperate with Washington and Beijing.Confrontation makes the situation worse, which allows international power to find the operation space of sewing needles.

The international community has gradually realized that Taiwan has a pivotal position in the chip manufacturing supply chain. In addition to Taiwan’s financial strength and economic and trade rankings, in order to consolidate its own interests, powerThe specific candidate group of the presidential election is naturally not surprising whether it is stubborn or hindered.

Think calm and calmly, and understand the international situation. If the power of all parties faces the key node of Taiwan's international political competence, only watch the development of the election beside the sleeves, but does not find a way to protect its own interests.The favorable strategic environment and conditions are really incredible!

If external forces affect the development of the election in Taiwan, we must first depend on their strength.The comprehensive national strength decided to make the status of speaking, which is the most basic common sense of international politics.Therefore, international power has been recruited in Taiwan's election, and the right to speak and influence depends on the height and strength.However, if the national strength is strong but not politically treat Taiwan politically, I am afraid that the strength is strong, and in the end, it will not work.

Secondly, it depends on how much Taiwan interacts with it.For Taiwan, foreign economic and trade is an important pillar of maintaining economic prosperity and social stability. Therefore, the amount of trade with the amount of trade is an important reference indicator.EssenceOf course, military activities around the Taiwan Strait, through media reports and political interpretations, will naturally affect the public's perception.

Furthermore, it depends on the situation of exchanges and interactions between specific powers and people in Taiwan. In the process, the relationship and perception constructed by the two parties will affect whether the power can be positive or negative, which will affect whether the power can affect Taiwan.The development of the election situation can affect the final voting trend through a specific method and determine the results of the election.

Basically, how the power affects the development of the election in Taiwan is the most direct way to make itself an indispensable important parameter in the political formula of the political formulas of various political parties or politicians in computing and planning decision -making, and to allow the political systemMaintain closely positive interactive relationships, so that it is easy to maintain its own interests.If there is a pipeline to communicate with each other, they will not openly speak ugly. There are tacit understanding of both parties, and they will do things smoothly in self -evidence.

Secondly, through other social systems peripherals in the political system, economic and trade exchanges or exchange contacts are used to provide induction or pressure on the political system by indirectly by forceing officials or siege by the people or beside government.Although the use of this method of power can make people think that it is just itchy, and it can not be immediate, and it is indeed guaranteed to achieve the goal.But through indirect channels, there is a cover, and it will not be ugly.

Finally, the power cannot be communicated under the table, but it must let the other party understand the severity. In the end, there is no way to open the showdown, and directly use the writing of the writing, the interview and the publication statement, etc.The embarrassment of all kinds of opponents who do n’t understand or speak, and directly ask for demands to voters, so that Taiwanese folks understand their own positions and attitudes, hoping to affect the final voting intention of Taiwan ’s election.

Recently, in the foreign -authoritarian journal diplomatic affairs, the United States heavyweight scholars made comments on a specific political figures in Taiwan.Express to specific objects?These words specifically tell the people of Taiwanese society, or should they express their positions at the same time at the same time?

As the saying goes, "The dogs that can be called do not bite, and the bite dogs do not scream." When power must explain the position through the pipeline, it is proved that all the communication channels that are not disclosed have no way to achieve the effect., So only to tell the ugly words.This way of showing cards is to let Taiwan society understand that the power itself has lacks tacit understanding with a specific campaign combination, and it cannot make them understand the focus of power. The two parties cannot establish consensus.

Democratic society votes are often driven by emotional driving, rather than the influence of rational judgment results, and Taiwan society is no exception.Therefore, when the election mobilizes the votes, it is expected to put a hat on the opponent through labeling methods.However, the real environment is very cruel. Many people will be affected by observation and dislikes, and they will have unrealistic imagination, but in the end, they still have to face ruthless facts.After all, the artificial industries are responsible, and in the end, we must swallow the results of their choices.

The author is a senior researcher at the Taiwan Chinese Strategic Society