The "Memory and Human Rights Museum" unveiled on January 11, 2010 was not only part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Chile, but also the most specific building in Chile's transformation justice.EssenceBut the most eye -catching is that visitors can listen to the key recording of Kissinger involved in the coup through a landline phone.This design fully shows that the key international factors affecting Chile's transformation justice are the United States.

Kissinger, who is the only in the history of the United States and the important position of the State of the State and the National Security Counselor of the White House, died in the house in Connecticic, and enjoyed Songshou at the age of 100.The New York Times mentioned in a complimentary tone that "he is the mastermind of the Nixon government to overthrow Chile's socialist and elected President Salvado Aliande."

Kissinger served as Secretary of State during the two governments of Nixon and Ford. When he was a national security consultant, he was worried that the Chile Ada -left government will become another hotbed of socialism in the backyard of the United States after Cuba.It supports Pinochet's military coup.After the success of the Pinochet coup in 1973, the United States had never had a demand for Chile's internal affairs due to its anti -communist stance, resulting in Pinochet's eyes withdrawn from disgust.

According to official statistics, in the 17 years of Pinochet's rule, more than 3,000 were killed, including September 21, 1976 in Washington, a car bomb in Washington, and the former Ambassador to Chile, Orlando Letelier, and itRonni Moffitt, USA.However, if you want to talk about transformation justice, what is Pinochete?Or the United States?The Father played by the Oscar gold award "missing" was finally held accountable by the father played by Jack Lemmon.

Disputes of universal jurisdiction

In September 1998, after Pinocter was arrested by Britain, it once again attracted the attention of the United States to the truth of the United States in 1973.Although former US President Clinton decided to decrypt some files about Pinoches in order to show support for the Chilean government's pursuit of historical truth, the CIA is unwilling to fully decrypt the files based on national security reasons.Although the United States also took the same measures against Argentina, Uruguay, etc., the political and academic circles believed that if the exemption was easily canceled, other dictators or rebels were unwilling to hand in power or stop violence.In the debate of politics, the most noteworthy is Kissinger highly concerned about the case.

Do you need a foreign policy in the United States of Foreign Affairs from the July / August 2001 foreign affairs?(Does America Need a Foreign Policy?) Partial chapters, published the title of "The PitFalls of Universal JurismDiction", which mainly illustrates the blind spot of universal jurisdiction.The so -called "universal jurisdiction" in international law refers to certain s specifics such as Genocide, which is essentially harmful to the interests of human society.To do it, all countries may adopt jurisdiction over such acts.But Kissinger believes that the general jurisdiction will make the defendant face his unfamiliar judicial system, and then it will make it difficult for the defendant to obtain the evidence required by the lawsuit.The Pinochet extradition case illustrates the dispute of universal jurisdiction.

Kissinger wrote mainly because while Britain was dealing with the leather case, some people believed that if it was not the United States' condonic, Picai could not commit such a crime, so Kissingh should also accept judicial sanctions.The author of the book of the Trial of Henry Kissinger, Herbins, believes that "the global perspective, the former Secretary of State Kissinger and the former Chile President Pinoscheter should be equal to it."

In fact, a person knows at a glance that one of the purpose of Kissinger's writing is being sinned for himself.Ross, CEO of Human Rights Observation Organization, relentlessly criticized Kissinger's strong words in the foreign affairs of the September / October of the same year.Kissinger believes that universal jurisdiction is a new concept. Ross refutes him. Since 1970, the US court has claimed jurisdiction over terrorism and hijacking.It is the willingness to execute jurisdiction, one of which.Kissinger believes that the definition of the non -operating international criminal court at that time was unknown. Ross pointed out that the definition of war on the treaty was almost the same as the 1977 Geneva Convention and the definition of the US military manual, which was the second.Kissinger criticized that universal jurisdiction will make the International Criminal Court's claims on the jurisdiction of Americans, which may cause absence of trials. Ross refutes how much he has obtained Panama's permission in the United States.This is the third.Kissinger suggested that whether the crime violates human rights shall be determined by the United Nations Security Council that Ross refutes that as long as the "veto power" is exercised, the nationals of the five permanent members of the Security Council will be able to from the outside world to universal jurisdiction, which is the fourth.

Can the purpose be legalized?

Ross even pointed out at the end of the text that Kissingh was selectively referenced by Pinoches to attack universal jurisdiction, but this was stepped on Kissinger's pain.Kissinger believes that international judicial violations of the Chilean democratic government forgive Pinochet's decision. Ross refutes that Pinochet was forgiven because of its power of the commander -in -chief of the Army, which made the Chilean democratic government have no other choices.This strong "exemption of responsibility" is different from the exemption granted by democratic politics.

The "Memorial and Human Rights Museum" unveiled on January 11, 2010 on January 11, 2010 is not only part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Chile, but also the most specific building in Chile's transformation justice.But the most eye -catching thing is that visitors can listen to the key recording of Kissinger involved in the coup through a landline phone.This design fully shows that the key international factors affecting Chile's transformation justice are the United States.

The next day of Kissinger's death, Harvard Honorary Professor Joseph Naita in foreign affairs entitled "Judging Henry Kissinger" article and asked, "Can the purpose be legalized if the purpose can be legalized?"Ends Justify the Means?

The author is a professor of research at the School of Politics and Strategy of Chile