Kissingh, known as "the greatest Secretary of State in the history of the United States" by former US President Ford, has an impact on the international community. In fact, it is no less than that of the United States -if it is not better than.Agence France -Presse mentioned in the evaluation of Kissinger's life that his achievements in US foreign policy after World War II "unattended" showed his influence and made the world remember that he could not remember and he left to the world to the world.Three major heritage.

Strategic vision

During Kissinger's tenure, the United States got rid of the quagmire of the Vietnamese war, the door to open Sino -US relations, and a "Eastern camp" country such as the Soviet Union, and implemented a "ease" policy.The most glorious achievements have almost "reshaped" the world pattern.It is obviously inappropriate to put all such achievements in Kissinger, but borrowing an old saying, I have to admit: Kissinger alone, similar achievements may not be made;It will emerge.

Where is Kissinger beyond ordinary people?It is thought that the first strategic thinking and vision of foreseeableness, leading, and globality, and to determine the strategy, layout and countermeasures of left and right victories.In terms of helping to end the Vietnam War, promote the establishment of diplomatic relations with China, and promote the "ease" policy in the world, Kissinger faced the opposition at the time, which was no less than the power of support. OtherwiseIn Luo's "operation, in order to take off the reporter's followers, he arrived in Beijing without knowing the belly pain from the Islamabad God of Pakistan.

The "strategic vision" is not the ability to make a moment, but to stand the historical test, that is, the more it is proved to be outstanding over time.Therefore, Chinese people have always been called "old friends" for decades. After the death of Kissinger, Russian strong man Putin also bluntly said: he is a "wise and visible politician."

Needless to doubt that all Kissinger's diplomatic activities and operations planning are based on the needs of the core interests of the United States, and serving the interests of the United States. Even the secret diplomacy that he initially caused the world to cause the worldChina confronts the Soviet Union at the time.However, the strategic vision is to pay attention to the effectiveness of the effectiveness, and the long -term results are lost, which is proven by the long -term history.Kissinger has done it, no matter how people evaluate his starting point, the end point brings unprecedented "ease" of international relations.


The vision of crossing the times is not easy to combine with the use of the world and the actual situation, but in the international relations, the attitude of advanced insights with realism is one of them, but it is Kissinger's masterpiece.

From the research on diplomatic relations in the 19th century, to successively served as the US National Security Consultant and Secretary of State, and after the official position of the departure government, do not restrain hands and feet with a fixed principle or ideology., Always with Kissinger's diplomatic philosophy and international view.He can both secretly interviews the door to open the relationship between China and the United States with a consciousness consciousness."The" fighter "and the moral" fighter "returned to the base point of decision -making foreign policy with real national interests.This concept allows Kissinger to pay attention to the use of the theoretical design and control the international structure, and to make different countries that make fierce competition, which can form a relatively strong power balance, thereby maintaining the stability of the world and regional situation.In July 2023, Kissinger, who was already 100 years old, set foot in China again, and spared no effort to call for reality between China and the United States.

From a historical point of view, the country that moves properly or politicians full of strategic thinking is based on objective reality.With their pragmatic or even one step back, they often bring their country into the world while avoiding the expansion of conflicts or resurgence, and then benefit the world.

Appropriate compromise

Rubbing strategic vision and realism are inseparable from superb Jiu -Jitsu.The core of Kissinger Jiu -Jitsu is to choose the necessary compromise when compromising.

Each country in the complex international environment has its own concerns and their own benefits.If the relationship between the country only emphasizes its own advantages, it is estimated that this earth will not exist today.With the appropriate and necessary compromise, the maximum number of conventions that everyone can accept is for the past history, and it will inevitably continue to prove the axioms for future history.

This is an important trick for Kissinger to deal with international relations.He firmly believes that the power of the dialogue and the need for compromise, and the more difficult it is, the more complicated the situation, the more particularly emphasized it.This showed nothing about his efforts to sign the China -US Shanghai Bulletin with China in 1972 when President Nixon visited China.At that time, there were not many largest conventions between the two countries, which had been isolated for more than 20 years.Especially in the statement of Taiwan issues, the opinions of China and the United States on the communiqué's wording continued. Under the context of maintaining foreign diplomatic relations with Taiwan at that time, the United States was difficult to make a China agency that the United States had promised to date.In the repeated conversation with China, Kissinger finally wrote that "the Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait think that there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of China.Bulletin, find the largest common divisor between the two great powers.After 51 years, Kissinger appeared in Beijing with a centenarian body. It is necessary to interpret the dialogue and compromise in the case of extremely severe difficulties in Sino -US relations.

Amy Gutmann, Dennis Thompson, Amy Gutmann, once defined "compromise" as "principles of primary prudence (the principle of adaptation of the situation adjustment) and mutual respect" (compromisedSpirit: Why do governance requires it and runs for it).It is relying on "the principle of primary (the principle of adapting the situation adjustment) and mutual respect", and Kissinger has created an unattended diplomatic achievement. This can be found everywhere in the shuttle diplomacy of the world during his lifetime.

Of course, Kissinger himself did not interpret his claims with strategic vision, compromise or realism, but large and small countries and colorful politicians, these heritage and values ​​left to the world for Kissinger to the worldOf course, it is understood.How to not entangle the balance between self -interest and the righteousness of the world, is the harmony between world peace, the harmony between the relationship between the world and the largest convention of the general public, is a question that they should consider.

Therefore, Kissinger leaves this world, and this world should accept the heritage he left.

The author is a professor at the School of Administration of Shanxi