Source: China News Agency

Author: Wang Enbo

In the past few days, major Chinese banks represented by state -owned behaviors have held discussions intensively with real estate companies.What are the considerations of banking companies at this time?

According to the information disclosed by various banks, the form of discussions includes both "one -to -one", as well as more than ten "group chats" of more than ten real estate companies, as well as active visits.The topics involved include the analysis of the industry situation, further strengthening bank -enterprise cooperation, exploring a new model of real estate development, and promoting the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry.

Earlier, the financial institutions jointly held by the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Finance Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission requested to accelerate the reform of real estate and financial supply.The analysis pointed out that at this time, major banks and housing companies have strengthened communication at this time. The aim of implementing relevant deployment of financial management departments, a bottom -up demand for financing of enterprises, and solving the difficult points of the existence.

For example, at the Banking Symposium held by the Construction Bank of China, real estate representatives said that "the financing environment has gradually improved" and "the real estate market still has structural opportunities, and there is still firm confidence in the future."Facing staged difficulties and tight liquidity.In the visit and talks of Bank of China, housing companies generally expressed their attention to the guarantee of the loan quota of new investment projects.

In response to these concerns, a number of banks have clearly stated that they do not hesitate to loan, draw, break loans, and give targeted measures on normal real estate companies.

As proposed by Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, focusing on rigid and improving housing, rental housing and other fields, three major projects such as "urban villages, security housing, and emergency use", in real estate development loans, personal housing mortgage loans, mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitionsLoans, merchant loans, and bond underwriting and investment have increased resources, and support the demand for reasonable financing needs of various cycles of housing enterprises.

China Construction Bank also said that better supporting real estate enterprises' reasonable financing needs, and for normal real estate enterprises, through credit support, investment banking services, bond investment, exhibition period, and adjustment of repayment arrangementssex.

Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Rules Institute, said that all banks have positive. For example, maintaining stable financing channels such as credit, bonds, etc., and helping enterprises improve liquidity through all -round financial services.It is expected to launch measures such as adding credit and deployment of bonds.

Xia Yifeng, chief analyst of BOC International Securities Real Estate Industry, also regarded this as an active signal.She predicts that banks will relax financing from the perspective of their own risk management, which will inject confidence in the real estate market.

It is worth noting that the scope of real estate companies participating in recent bank discussions are widely scope. There are both state -owned enterprises, as well as private enterprises and mixed ownership enterprises.Among them, according to the talks, China Postal Savings Bank also issued a list of non -state -owned housing enterprises for the first time to clarify business strategies to ensure precise drip irrigation.

In fact, a series of relevant real estate finance related policies launched by China have clearly reflected the idea of ​​"one equally to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate companies".If the notice of strengthening financial support measures jointly issued by the eight departments such as the central bank, the notice of strengthening financial support measures to help the private economy and the growth of the private economy will write "reasonably meet the financial needs of private real estate companies".

The Easy House Research Institute believes that the expression of "reasonable meetings of private real estate enterprises' financial needs" is one level than the traditional "financing" expression, indicating that it has more comprehensive ideas and methods for enterprise support.Financial demand includes financing demand, investment demand, risk management needs, financial and liquidity -related needs, which means that subsequent support will increase, which will help promote the healthy development of enterprises.

Li Yujia pointed out that with the top and bottom measures to promote the implementation of the "one treaty", the bank's "blood transfusion" will play a role in stabilizing the housing company's capital chain.However, the key is self -"hematopoietic" by landing and continuous operation.To this end, it is necessary to promote the sales of sales and stabilization, and enhance the willingness and ability of residents to purchase houses.