Singapore has lowered the level of disease response from yellow to green in mid -February this year. People have lived in the past 10 months to return to normal.All kinds of inconveniences and alert the virus.Recently, the confirmed cases have increased significantly, evoking the memory of many people.According to a statement from the Ministry of Health last Saturday (December 2nd), the confirmed cases of crown disease in the 47th week (November 19th to 25th) of this year increased significantly by more than 20,000 from the previous week.

Fortunately, the number of patients with an average daily hospitalization and intensive care unit remains stable.Local confirmed cases also surged rapidly in April this year. At that time, Singapore spent peacefully without taking any public epidemic prevention measures, but we could not see it for granted.

Although the current cases are not serious than the most severe epidemic period, the virus has not disappeared. A variety of mutant strains exist at the same time and are constantly evolving, and new strains will occur at any time.As of November 27th, more than 70 % in community cases of EG.5 and its sub -HK.3 of the crown disease, although there were no signs that the sub -variants of the sub -variants were more infectious or caused more serious diseases.This does not mean that you can ignore it.The Ministry of Health calls on the public to vaccine the latest protection. However, the effectiveness of the vaccine may not be able to catch up with the mutation of the strains, so we will repeatedly see a new wave of epidemic.

Even if the vaccine provides protection for severe diseases, drugs that can treat crown diseases are also available, but for some patients, it is still fatal.Therefore, we should continue the good hygiene habits for three years of resistance. Wear masks in public places to avoid talking about the closed crowded space and flying.The crowd -oriented industry, such as the food and beverage operators who handle food, should wear a mask.

At present, in addition to visitors, staff and patients with medical and hospitalization and nursing facilities still need to wear masks, the public does not need to be mandatory on all occasions. According to observation, most Chinese people do not wear masks to go out.EssenceAt the end of the year, there are many gatherings, and the virus is easier to spread. In order to avoid the resurgence of the epidemic, the public should pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands and disinfect them frequently.Regardless of whether you are diagnosed with crown disease, you should wear a mask when you go out in the body and minimize work and social activities. In particular, avoid interaction with groups that are healthy and fragile.Some people's attitude towards crown disease today is "in the middle, it doesn't matter". However, getting sick is not a personal thing. If the virus spreads, the more serious consequences are the burden of aggravating the medical system.

During the peak of the epidemic, Singapore hospitals were insufficient, and medical staff were under tremendous pressure.Although our medical system has been prepared to cope with the next emergency public health incident after three years, medical resources have always been nervous.Foreign tourists swarmed, and Chinese people retaliated abroad to travel abroad, greatly improving the possibility of various virus infections.Experience tells us that once a new strain or new virus with greater lethality is somewhere, Singapore will take the lead as an international.Our economy managed to get out of the haze of the epidemic, and now it is threatened by geopolitical warfare. There is no need to introduce new problems to make the situation worsen.As the recent recent respiratory disease cases in the temperate region have increased, it is possible to consider restoring some border prevention measures to reduce the risk of bringing any virus into Singapore.

We must do more crown diseases. The epidemic has repeatedly stated that our struggle with crown disease has not yet ended. We need to continue to make breakthroughs on the basis of new vaccines, new drugs and scientific research.The seemingly crown vaccine that appears overnight is actually based on the decades of work of scientists. Therefore, the research of developing vaccines must be uninterrupted to prepare for the next popular popularity.It is also important to be vigilant about the epidemic and monitor new viruses that may cause epidemic diseases in the surrounding environment.

Studies have shown that the recovery of coronary disease may have long -term crown disease sequelae that lasts for several months or even years, including dyspnea, physical decline, and brain mist.Because people may be infected repeatedly, each infection has the risk of suffering from long crown disease, which causes cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and thrombosis, so it cannot hold an indifferent attitude towards the infected crown disease.Three years of anti -epidemic has a certain degree of burnout, which is fully understandable, but because of this, we need to emphasize past experience and lessons from time to time to increase their vigilance.We don't need to be soldiers, but we must not take it lightly.