Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Huang Xuncai, led a group to visit China. Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang described the team special, reflecting the attention of the Chinese side.This visit team is indeed very special. The big lineup has always been rare, and it has created several firsts.This is the first time that Huang Xuncai was promoted to the deputy prime minister in June last year to visit China with the attitude of the Prime Minister's successor. For the first time, Ding Xuexiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo and Vice Premier of the State Council, co -hosted the Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation (, Referred to as JCBC) meeting.

The members of the delegation include as many as seven ministers, three ministerial ministers, and one long time. They represent departments such as trade and industry, education, health, news and communication, housing, transportation, environment and other departments.This can be said to be an important out -of -the -way pavement journey to Singapore's political leadership. It ensures a good close relationship established by the New Central China governments in the past few decades. After the succession of the fourth -generation leadership team in Singapore, it has continued smoothly and carried forward.

The backbone members of the fourth -generation leadership team, including Huang Xuncai itself, are actually very familiar with China. In addition to attending the JCBC meeting, most of them are for three intergovernmental cooperation projects -Suzhou Industrial Park, Tianjin Ecological City and Zhongxin (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing (Chongqing) The strategic interconnection demonstration project and a national bilateral cooperation project -China -Singapore Guangzhou Intellectual City knows very well, and also serves as the co -chair of the eight provincial and municipal economic and trade councils. Most of them can communicate directly with Chinese officials.Coupled with the great complementarity and reciprocity of the New China economy, we are convinced that the cooperative relations of new China will continue to develop in the future.

At the 19th JCBC meeting held in Tianjin on Thursday (December 7), the two sides reached 24 results in one breath. The number of quantities was rare, showing the sincerity of the two sides to deepen and expand cooperation.Therefore, the results of this meeting can be described as very rich, and it has also showed that since the new and medium -sized relationships have been promoted to "comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnerships" earlier this year, bilateral cooperation has not only added new content, but also achieved significant substances.progress.

When Prime Minister Li Xianlong visited China from the end of March to early April this year, he announced with Chinese President Xi Jinping to further upgrade to the "comprehensive partnership with the times" concluded in 2015 to "comprehensive and high qualityProspective partnership ".Premier Li explained at the time that the "high -quality" partnership meant to create new, more effective, and more creative ideas together; "forward -looking" means to prepare for the future and allow cooperation between the two countries to cooperate in five years laterAfter 10 years, it still has considerable value to both parties.

The 24 results reached this time cover the fields of economic and trade, medical care, education, finance, green low -carbon and other fields, including the upgraded version of the new China Free Trade Agreement, and jointly move to implementing mutual visa -free measures to further strengthen the two places.For personnel, the two sides will formulate relevant implementation details earlier next year.From July 26 this year, it has resumed the 15 -day immigration policy of Singaporean citizens who hold ordinary passports to China Business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit (related measures were suspended during the crown disease).However, Chinese citizens still have to apply for a visa to visit Singapore.A visa -free visa and extending the validity period to 30 days will definitely help to further promote the exchanges and exchanges between the two countries, as Huang Xuncai said, strengthen the foundation of bilateral relations.

The new and China countries to strengthen cooperative relations in the current blooming world bureaus not only have significant significance to each other's future development, but also important for the entire Asia.The signature article published by Huang Xuncai before the JCBC conference states: "This meeting will be held in the background of the increasingly turbulent and changeable international situation. At present, the global economy is facing the wind of the wind, and we also face the severe crisis brought by climate change.Together with these common challenges and maintaining economic development and prosperity to benefit the people of the two countries, there are still many room for cooperation between China and China.The pattern and further consolidate the close relationship between the two countries. "

It is generally believed that Asia will be the focus of the world economy's development. Therefore, the country's country will strengthen economic and trade cooperation and maintain the international trade structure based on rules and open freedom.The three -year -old crown disease has severely damaged the world economy. In the face of strong reverse winds, it is weak to promote the recovery. The only way to promote recovery is to promote trade and cooperation, rather than the implementation of any form of protectionism.New China strengthening cooperation can be a model.