Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Mingzhu

No fear of Europe and the United States, Russian President Putin visited the UAE and Saudi Arabia on the 6th. On the 7th, I will meet with Iranian President Leis in the Kremlin.Is Putin returning to the international stage?

The Kremlin spokesman Peskov announced the news on the 5th.In one day's visit, Putin will discuss bilateral relations, Palestinian conflict and international political situation with Saudi Arabia and the UAE leaders.

Professor Wu Fei, a professor at Jinan University, told a reporter from Hong Kong News Agency on the 6th that there are three diplomatic priorities in Putin, namely the East, Africa and the Middle East, which is also Russia's "Eastern Policy".Earlier, Putin has visited China. This visit to the Middle East is the second part of the Russian diplomatic trilogy.Secondly, from the perspective of energy, if the energy country can reach a consensus, it can resist the pressure from the United States.

Song Luzheng, a researcher at the China Research Institute of Fudan University, also told a reporter from Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency that after being arrested by the International Criminal Court, there are not many countries that Putin can go now.This time he went to the Middle East to break the diplomatic isolation and show Russia's diplomatic space.

Since the outbreak of Russia and Ukraine in February last year, Putin has rarely visited. Large international conferences such as the G20 Summit also rarely appear in Putin.However, from October 12 this year, he visited Kyrgyzstan for two consecutive days, becoming the first foreign visit since the International Criminal Court issued an arrest order in March this year.In the same month, he went to China to attend the third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum.

Western media pointed out that Putin's foreign visit was performed in Palestine's conflict to the West's conflict against Russia and Ukraine, and Ukraine's counterattack was unsuccessful.

What contributed to Putin's foreign visits plus frequency?Director Ding Chun, director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University and Professor of EU Morne Moane, pointed out to Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the same day that one is the optimization of visits after the new crown epidemic;Strengthen cooperation with energy exporters, and use energy and other diplomatic intentions to surround Western politics.

"Lightning" after visiting the UAE and Saudi Arabia, Putin will meet with Iranian President Laich on December 7. The two parties will mainly discuss the relationship between Iraqi and Gaza.Some analysts believe that Russia is showing its influence in the Middle East.

Wu Fei said that in the past, due to the oligopoly economy, Russia's economy was more dependent on Europe.This has also enhanced Russian diplomatic initiative. Putin began to recover to contact the place where past diplomacy was good at and restored its discourse power in the Middle East.

Recently, Foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran signed a statement on the consequences of joint coercion measures in Moscow. Iranian Foreign Minister also said that he sought to establish an alliance consisting of sanctions.With Western sanctions, can Putin break through the current situation?

Ding Chun pointed out that Russia's international influence is still there despite Western sanctions.However, in the context of Russia and Ukraine's conflict, the opposition between Russia and the West is difficult to solve, but it also depends on the situation of the war situation and political changes within the United States and Europe.