The Hong Kong Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Finance Division, currently visiting Hangzhou, introduces high -level representatives of enterprises across Zhejiang Province to introduce how Hong Kong can assist mainland Chinese companies to expand international business.

According to the Hong Kong Government Bulletin Network, Chen Maobo attended the joint organizationalThe Seminar of the "Hong Kong -the Transnational Supply Chain Management Center of Mainland Enterprises" introduces Hong Kong's economic and social conditions to about 150 senior officials from Zhejiang Province, and how Hong Kong helps mainland enterprises to expand international business, especially as them.Offshore trade and multinational supply chain management center.

Chen Maobo said that with the changes in the international industrial chain and supply chain layout, the continuous advancement of the "Belt and Road" initiative, and the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement economy, the trade relationsThe needs of the company's own development, companies in Zhejiang and even the Yangtze River Delta can capture greater business opportunities through "going global".

He pointed out that in order to play this international competition, mainland companies are opportunities and challenges in terms of logistics transportation, market sales, investment in factories, overseas procurement, and regulations.Hong Kong's various majors and high value -added services, as well as extensive business and network networks, can help mainland companies more successful development.

Chen Maobo said that with the solid support of the country, Hong Kong has the institutional advantages of the "one country, two systems", the advantages of integrating international funds, a diverse and inclusive talent advantage, a convenient location advantage, and a major with international connection.Service advantages, as well as safe, stable, rich and diverse metropolitan life advantages.

He continued to say that Hong Kong people are familiar with international rules and habits, rich international trade and investment experience, as well as human connections and commercial networks all over the world, which can create value for mainland companies in expanding international business.The Hong Kong government mainland enterprises go to Hong Kong to set up a regional headquarters to manage offshore trade, and will actively provide them with one -stop services, including supply chain management, trade financing, consulting, and talent and corporate training.

Chen Maobo also visited three science and technology innovation enterprises, which are mainly engaged in smart IoT and artificial intelligence big data; biomedicine, new materials and intelligent manufacturing, and virtual reality equipment and products.Chen Maobo exchanged with the person in charge of relevant enterprises to understand their latest technology and products, solutions, and development plans, and introduced the latest policies and measures for Hong Kong investment promotion.

Chen Maobo has lunch with representatives in Zhejiang Hong Kong and Hong Kong enterprises on Wednesday at noon to learn about their business, work and life.Chen Maobo had dinner with a group of representatives of Zhejiang enterprises that night, exchanged the latest situations of Hong Kong and Zhejiang, and introduced Hong Kong's business environment and advantages, as well as the opportunities and prospects for enterprises to develop business in Hong Kong.

Chen Maobo will continue to visit Hangzhou on Thursday morning and move to Suzhou to visit at noon.