According to the Russian satellite agency reported on April 16, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong released news on the evening of the 15th that the British government once again published the so -called "Hong Kong issue half a year report" again, so tricksRe -acting on the joint statement of Sino -British and British, the old bombs attacked the "one country, two systems", maliciously slandered the Hong Kong National Security Law, safeguarded the national security regulations and new election systems, roughly interfered with the judicial and rule of law of the SAR, and the spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong was strongly strong.condemn.

A spokesman pointed out that today coincides with China's ninth "National Security Education Day".Today's Hong Kong bid farewell to the turbulent situation, and completely ended the history of maintaining the "non -defense" of national security.Under the strong protection of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the new election system, Hong Kong has come out of the "black storm", returning to order and the rule of law, and ushered in the stages of the governance from random to governance and ruling.The newly formulated National Security Regulations further consolidated the solid barrier of the SAR's maintenance of national security, so that the freedom of the rights enjoyed by Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law can be better guaranteed in a more secure environment, providing foreign investors with more secure, stable, and efficientBusiness conditions.No matter how many times the British sing and discred, it is impossible to change the fact that this iron is changed.

A spokesman said that Hong Kong is a social rule of law. The administrative and judicial organs of the SARs are strictly enforced, and they are strictly law enforcement and fair justice.While the British side said, he said that he had to safeguard the rule of law. He openly interfered with the justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and even demanded the release of the parties who were trying the case to fully expose his true face of ignoring the rule of law.While the British side accused Hong Kong of maintaining the national security regulations against the International Human Rights Law, on the one hand, he forgot that he had just passed the strict national security law last year, showing its hypocritical dual standard.

A spokesman said that after the return of Hong Kong, the historical mission of Sino -British joint statement has been completed.The British side still accuses China of violating the joint statement and never forgets its so -called "responsibility" for Hong Kong after the return, but it is just to continue to interfere with Hong Kong affairs and make excuses for the manufacturing of Hong Kong.We have advised the British to be awake completely from the colonial dream, and recognize its reality of neither sovereignty, no power, and supervision power in Hong Kong!

A spokesman emphasized that Hong Kong is Hong Kong, China, and Hong Kong affairs are purely Chinese internal affairs.Any noise that sings the decline of Hong Kong cannot shake the firm pace of "one country, two systems".We urge the British to respect the principles of international law and the basic criteria for international relations, respect the objective facts of the governance and prosperity of Hong Kong, let go of colonial arrogance and domineering thinking as soon as possible, and stop intervening in Hong Kong affairs and Chinese internal affairs!