The Hong Kong National Security Law has been arrested in violation of the law since its effect in 2020, and the youngest is only 15 years old.

The Hong Kong Radio Station on Wednesday (April 17) quoted the Hong Kong Security Bureau that as of March 8, a total of 291 people were arrested by the Police Department for allegedly engaged in acts and activities that endanger national security.Between 15 and 90.In these cases, more than 170 people and five companies have been prosecuted, and 112 were convicted or sentenced to prison.

According to the Hong Kong radio TV report, 218 men and 73 women were arrested.

The Hong Kong Security Bureau also said that as of March 8, the National Security Department reported a total of more than 700,000 reports related to national security.

The Hong Kong Security Bureau said that during the 23 legislative period, a resilience refuting team was established, and the purpose was to make some instant refutes in the process of legislation.Now misleading and discreditation still occur from time to time. Therefore, the rebuttal team needs to continue to operate, and refer to accumulated experience and related working models to cope with the discreditation faced in the future and effectively clarify and refute.

The Hong Kong National Security Law regulates four types of crimes, including splitting the country, subverting the state power, terrorist activities, and colluding external forces.