Cui Jianchun, a new special agent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, has arrived in Hong Kong.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong announced on the evening of Tuesday (April 16) that the new special agent Cui Jianchun's wife Liang Huili has arrived in Hong Kong.

Cui Jianchun delivered a speech on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong that night, saying that the practice of "one country, two systems" was successful in Hong Kong. With the improvement of Hong Kong's system of maintaining security and stability and promoting good governance and good governance.The pace of prosperity is getting stable, and the "Oriental Pearl" has a wide prospect and unlimited scenery.

Cui Jianchun emphasized that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong has firmly safeguarded national sovereignty, security and development interests, intervening with external forces to interfere with Hong Kong affairs, destroy Hong Kong's stable words and deeds to resolutely fight, and give full play to the "Director of Foreign Affairs".To build a bridge for Hong Kong's foreign exchanges and cooperation to help Hong Kong's prosperity and development, they will also actively practice "diplomacy for the people", do their best to provide consular protection and assistance to Hong Kong citizens, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong people.

The Central Government of China appointed Cui Jianchun on April 10 as a special commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Special Commissioner in Hong Kong.Public information shows that 59 -year -old Cui Jianchun was the envoy of the Chinese Embassy in France in 2011. After one year, he served as a full -power ambassador to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2015.The ambassador was five years long, and in 2021, he was renamed the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria in Nigeria.

The Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao issued a statement on April 10th. Cui Jianchun was welcome.Tight cooperation to promote various tasks.