(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Work Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council, said that the bottom line of the national security needs to escort Hong Kong to develop high -quality development;Hong Kong is still the best place in the world's business environment.

Monday (April 15) is China's "National Security Education Day", and Hong Kong held the opening ceremony of the "National Security Education Day" on the same day.

Comprehensive Ming Pao, Radio Hong Kong, and the official website of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council, Xia Baolong attended the event with a video connection that the bottom line of national security needs to be kept in order to escort Hong Kong's high -quality development.

, which has attracted attention from the international community.According to the regulations, the crime of rebellion and the crime of rebellion may be sentenced to life imprisonment once he was convicted.

Xia Baolong emphasized in his speech that after building a national security barrier, Hong Kong showed the world to the world a safer, more free, more open, and more expected business environment.

Taking data as an example, after 23 legislative legislation, 25 key enterprises settled in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong also held a financial cultural event one after another.China/Story20240326-3219081 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> This is the investor to vote for Hong Kong with real gold and silver. .

Xia Baolong emphasized that Hong Kong is still the best place in the world's business environment. It is the best place for officers to start a business, make money, and achieve dreams.

He said that Hong Kong's prosperity is not a few articles, a few drums can sing and decline. The development of Hong Kong can not be blocked by a few praying arms."" ".

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao also said at the event that with the protection of Guoan law, activities that endanger national security will continue to attack Hong Kong like a virus, so you cannot "make the wound forget the pain".

He said that the Hong Kong Government will implement the relevant work of maintaining the national security regulations in the four aspects, including continuing to do a good job of explanation, strengthening internal systems, making full efforts to prevent stop and punishment, and do a good job of national security education.

Li Jiachao also pointed out that the Hong Kong Government has five major key tasks in economic development in the future, including better combination with the government and high -efficiency markets to continue to absorb enterprises and talents; seize the opportunities of China's new quality of productivity, Give full play to Hong Kong's unique advantages ;Industry, consumption and investment, etc.