The Hong Kong National Security Law has been implemented for nearly four years, and a total of 291 people were arrested for suspected violation of relevant laws.Scholars of interviewees believe that the political atmosphere of Hong Kong society has indeed been greatly reduced in the past few years, which depends on the implementation of the National Security Law, but the official in the future must strengthen the publicity and publicity of national security.

The Hong Kong Security Bureau disclosed on Wednesday (April 17) that as of March 8, a total of 291 people were arrested for hazardous behaviors and activities that were suspected of hazarding national security. They were 15 to 90 years old.More than 170 people and five companies were prosecuted, of which 112 were convicted, sentenced, or were waiting to be sentenced.As for Guoan's report hotline opened on November 5, 2020, as of March 8th, the official received more than 700,000 reports.When the Hong Kong Security Bureau replied to the Legislative Council on Wednesday, the Budget Budget pointed out that after the implementation of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, the society has resumed stable, but some of the activities that advocate local terrorism have shifted to underground and concealed., Spreading extreme ideas and inciting radicals. At present, the level of terrorist attack threats in Hong Kong still maintains "moderate", that is, the possibility of attack, but no specific information shows that Hong Kong may be the target of attack.However, in the latest Hong Kong semi-annual report released by the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hong Kong's implementation of the National Security Law violated the Sino -British Statement .British Foreign Minister Cameron said in the report: "Under this law, political opposition voices have almost been eliminated. Differences have become criminal crimes. Civil society is marginalized.For people who have small deviations on supporting the positions of the Hong Kong and Chinese government. "

Cameron pointed out that the Hong Kong police wanted 13 people who lived overseas in the second half of last year, Many of them live in the UK .He said: "We will not tolerate any attempts from any foreign forces to intimidate, harass or hurt individuals in the United Kingdom. The Hong Kong National Security Law has no effect in the UK. We have no effective extradition agreement with Hong Kong or China.Group guarantee: You are very safe here "

Cameron also called on the Hong Kong Government to release Li Zhiying, and urged Beijing to withdraw the Hong Kong National Security Law.

Chen Xiaofeng, Secretary -General of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the British Foreign Ministry criticized Beijing in Hong Kong's implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law to lose freedom of Hong Kong people.Slowly returning to reason is in sharp contrast to the political chaos that occurred before the National Security Law was introduced.

He believes that the effect of the National Security Law of Hong Kong should not be judged by the number of arrests; but an objective fact is that in the four years since the implementation of the National Security Law, the political atmosphere of Hong Kong society has indeed weakened a lot.It has been increased a lot, which is of great significance for the development of a commercial city in Hong Kong.

Chen Xiaofeng pointed out that the Hong Kong government will still be committed to improving the national security awareness of Hong Kong people in the future.On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the publicity and promotion of Guoan Education, especially through community, social organizations, and schools to conduct in -depth national security education; on the other hand, officials and people from all walks of life should take the lead in maintaining Guoan and preaching Guoan, so that the national security concept is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

After the anti -repair examples of Hong Kong in 2019, the Chinese government implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law on June 30, 2020, to prevent, stop and punish the division of state, subvert and subvert the state power, terrorist activities, colludes foreign or foreign countries, or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign countries or colludes foreign or foreign or foreign countries or foreign countries.The criminal responsibility of four types of criminal acts such as national security and other criminal responsibilities of overseas forces have provided regulations.