Double the election expenses of the Hong Kong District Council last year, Zeng Guowei, director of the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, said that the overall social benefits of the district council election have increased, and the promotional work effect is more significant and value for money.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the New Democratic Party Legislative Council member Li Dongguo said on Thursday (April 18) at the Legislative Council Financial Committee that the Hong Kong government announced that the budget expenditure of the district council election last year was 992 million yuan(Hong Kong dollar, the same below, S $ 172 million), but the general district council election expenditure was only about 400 million yuan. In 2015, it was 418 million yuan. In 2019, it was 426 million yuan. What was the reason for the doubling of last year?

Di Zhiyuan, a member of the New Thinking Legislative Council, also questioned that the Hong Kong Government reserved about 370 million yuan to the Legislative Council election in 2025, but the last district parliamentary election expenditure was more than 900 million yuan. At that time, any corner wasThere are leaflets, "Do you need to be so exaggerated?"

In response to the above questions, Zeng Guowei responded that it is necessary to improve the election arrangement. Compared with the past electionsThe efficiency and time are improved, and many new elements are added, including the three meetings, check -in, invoice counters, training, etc. These all require manual arrangements.

He said that last year's district council election has increased to more than 30,000. Compared with the 2019 election, it takes an hour to queue. This timeSocial benefits have increased, and publicity work has significant effects, and things are worth it.

According to the special meeting of the fiscal budget issued by the Hong Kong Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau website on Wednesday (April 16), the revised budget for preparations for preparations and regional council elections last year was about 122 million yuanIt is expected that the budget election will spend more than 500 million yuan next year, of which 380 million yuan will be used to prepare for the 2025 Legislative Council election, and 57 million yuan will be used for voter registration.

However, compared with the 2019 District Council's election election, last year's district council election voting rate was written in a new low.After reviewing earlier this year, the actual voting rate of the district council election in 2023 was 27.59%.