The Hong Kong Legislative Council has made every effort to accelerate the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, and strive to complete the second and third reading procedures as soon as Tuesday (March 19).

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and the Internet media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong Legislative Council opened the conference at 9 am on Tuesday to restore the draft national security regulations of the 23 Legislative Work of the Basic Law of the Basic Law., To complete the final legislative procedure of the draft.

According to the procedure, the draft will be resumed in the second reading debate and passed the voting, and the voting will be performed. In the end, the bill will be submitted to the Chief Executive to sign and publish constitution.

During the second and third -reading debates, each member has a few minutes of speaking opportunities.Although many members want to speak, they are reminded that they must be streamlined. The speech should not exceed five minutes as much as possible to complete the legislative procedures for the second and third reading on Tuesday evening without having to continue the meeting on Wednesday (March 20).

This is the second time the Legislative Council has opened the conference to handle the draft in less than two weeks. From the Hong Kong government to the draft publication to the submission conference, it has only 11 days before and after.

Due to the temporary opening of the conference on Tuesday, not only the conferences of the six committees must give way, but even the administrative meeting of the original re -conference on Tuesday will not hold a meeting, so that members of the Legislative Council of the Layers and Council can attend the conference.Essence

It is reported that before the start of the conference, Chen Guoji, the director of the Secretary for Administration, also sent a private message to the members of the Legislative Council, calling on all members to apply for support tickets to allow the draft of the national security regulations to pass smoothly, so that Hong Kong can be as soon as possible as soon as possibleImplementing this task that has not been completed for nearly 27 years.

Chen Guoji said that Article 23 legislation builds a sound national security legal system and implementation mechanism for Hong Kong. Only a more secure and stable business and living environment can the Hong Kong government and all walks of life be unwilling to develop the economy.Improving people's livelihood.