British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Saturday (March 16) reported that the Legislative Council's impact case was reported that the Hong Kong National Security Law made prosecutors easier.Security law.

Comprehensive Hong Kong South China Morning Post and Ming Daily reported that the BBC said in the report that the Hong Kong National Security Law appeared in 2019 due to anti -repair cases in 2019, and said that this law made prosecutors easier.It also weakens Hong Kong's autonomy.

BBC later updated the report, and said that under the Hong Kong National Security Law, large -scale objections were considered illegal.The BBC also wrote that the purpose of the update is to clarify the details of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

After the BBC report was published, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government criticized "a report on the Broadcasting Corporation on the prisoner of the 2019" Black Storm "demonstrator to discredit the SAR's maintenance national security law with false allegations."Expressing dissatisfaction and condemnation.

A spokesman for the SAR Government said: "Article 1 of the Hong Kong National Security Law has clearly stated that the purpose of formulating the law is to be unswervingly and comprehensively and accurately implemented the 'one country, two systems', 'Hong Kong people's governance of Hong Kong', heightThe report of the autonomy is reported completely ignored the relevant provisions, and it is necessary to dispel the autonomy of Hong Kong in the Hong Kong National Security Law with false allegations.Focus, it is mistaken for people to think that the legislative purpose of the Hong Kong National Security Law is to be more likely to prosecute the demonstrators', which makes people a negative impression on the law. "

The case was made, and the 12 defendants were guilty of riots.