Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, explained that in the latest fiscal budget, it was proposed that the construction of Hong Kong as a multinational supply chain management center was to attract the regional headquarters of mainland companies to Hong Kong.

Chen Maobo Sunday (March 17) published on the official website of the Finance Department of the Finance Department of the Finance Department, entitled "Finding New Opportunities in the Change Bureau". In recent years, the international trade pattern is constantly changing.The development of geopolitical situations, division of labor in global manufacturing and the reorganization of the supply chain, coupled with the emergence of excellent ports nearby equipment, is being reshaped the company's production line layout and export model, which also affects Hong Kong's export performance.

Chen Maobo pointed out that Hong Kong has a solid foundation in trade and multiple related professional services and has sufficient conditions to capture the opportunities brought by these transformations.The key is how to help enterprises strengthen the management of supply chain and value chain, and create higher value for the enterprise's multinational business by focusing on more efficient industrial and commercial professional services.

He said that this was the idea of ​​constructing Hong Kong as a multinational supply chain management center in the financial budget."Our goal is to provide enterprises with one -stop services through the establishment of a single window, including supply chain management, trade financing, consulting and talent and corporate training, etc., attracting mainland manufacturers to Hong Kong to establish a regional headquarters to manage offshore trade"Essence

Chen Maobo introduced that it is estimated that there are more than 50,000 medium -sized manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta alone.need.Hong Kong's rich experience and excellent conditions can serve what they need.

He mentioned that it takes multiple information to go out or come in by mainland companies to come in in order to make appropriate decisions and management for business development and supply chain layout.The Hong Kong Trade Development Agency has always supported mainland companies in Hong Kong through different plans to "go global" to set up a stronghold in countries including the “Belt and Road”.

Chen Maobo said that in the face of the International Geopolis and Political Transformation Bureau, in addition to vigorously creating the multinational supply chain management center and the trade financing center, the Hong Kong government is also accelerating the development of the Hong Kong International Creation Center and the introduction of more key pointsChuangke enterprise.

He revealed that after the announcement of about 30 key enterprises in October last year, Hong Kong will usher in the second batch of about 20 companies this week.Together with the first batch of key companies, they will invest a total of more than 40 billion yuan (about S $ 6.8 billion) in Hong Kong, creating more than 13,000 employment opportunities, most of which are scientific research and management positions.