(Hong Kong/London Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong government criticized the Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports with false accusations to discredit the Hong Kong government to maintain national security laws.

The Hong Kong Government issued a newsletter on Saturday (March 16) stating that a report on the BBC's report on the 2019 anti -revolutionary demonstrators was sentenced to discrediting the national security law of the Hong Kong government with false accusations, expressed dissatisfaction and condemnation of condemnationEssence

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that Article 1 of the Hong Kong National Security Law has clearly stated that the purpose of formulating the law is to unswervingly and accurately implement the policy of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people's governance Hong Kong", and highly autonomous autonomy.The spokesman said that the BBC report completely ignored the relevant provisions and slandered the Hong Kong National Security Law to weaken Hong Kong's autonomy with false accusations.

A spokesman also said that the Hong Kong National Security Law is aimed at people who endanger national security and activities, and emphasize that endangering national security is a serious crime. No country will watch the behavior and activities that endanger national security.

A spokesman accused the BBC, "reporting the focus on false allegations to try to transfer the focus, making people mistakenly believe that the legislative purpose of the Hong Kong National Security Law is to be more likely to prosecute the demonstrators' and make people a negative impression on the law."

According to the South China Morning Post, the BBC reported that the anti -repair campaign of the outbreak in 2019 led to the introduction of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and said that the law made the prosecutor easite and weakened Hong Kong's autonomy.

BBC later updated the content of the report, mentioning that under the Hong Kong National Security Law, a wider range of objection was considered illegal.The BBC reported at the end of the report that the update report was to clarify the details of the Hong Kong National Security Law.

The Hong Kong National Security Law, which is implemented in 2020, stipulates that the actions of split state, subverting state power, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces are illegal, and offenders can be sentenced to maximum life imprisonment.