In order to highlight the strong performance of the US economy, US President Biden Pennsylvania's campaign campaign to buckle the "extra" hat on China, and emphasizes the economic dilemma facing the Beijing government.

Bynden said on Wednesday (April 17) in Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, "Their (China) has more retired population than labor. They are not imported. They are out of line., They really have "

Byden's above speech is one of his sharp criticisms for China.China's first quarter growth exceeded expectations, but all sectors still questioned its recovery.

Bynden just realized two weeks ago and Chinese officials realized the first one-to-one since November last year communicated .Although Sino -US relations have recently stabilized, the tension atmosphere of the excess capacity of the two countries in Washington has begun to intensify.The United States has accused China of over investing in manufacturing, threatening the livelihood of its blue -collar workers in the country.

Bynden said that China is on the rise and the United States is in a bad theory.When asked if the newly proposed steel and aluminum tariff would destroy his relationship with Chinese officials, Biden briefly responded to "No."

Bynden had previously increased the tariffs of Chinese steel and aluminum to twice the "unfair competition" and tried to fight for the support of Pennsylvania steel workers, but this may irritate Beijing.

Biden also criticized Trump's policy of China during his tenure, saying that "Trump does not understand at all."

He emphasized that we must continue to take measures to prevent China from obtaining advanced technologies such as chips."Can't send them to China, because this will damage our national security."