U.S. Secretary of State Brills is about to visit China. The State Department said that Brins are expected to mention to Beijing to assist Russia to boost the national defense industry to deal with its war in Ukraine. The United States is concerned about this.

Reuters reported that the US State Department spokesman Miller Miller said on Tuesday (April 16): "In the past few months, we see some materials from China to Russia.Weapons used on the battlefield "

Miller said, "We are very worried about this."

U.S. officials said that Brinton will visit China a few weeks later, and the itinerary details have not yet been announced.

A few days before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, China and Russia announced the establishment of an "endless" partnership.Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the United States has repeatedly warned China not to assist the war operations of Moscow.

U.S. officials disclosed to the media last week that the materials provided by China to Russia include drones and missile technology, satellite images, and machine tools that can be used to make ballistic missiles.Although these materials do not involve fatal support, they are assisting Russia to expand their military forces to continue to attack Ukraine.

Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in the United States, told Reuters last week that China is "not a manufacturer and party in the Ukraine crisis", and normal trade between China and Russia should not be disturbed or restricted.