(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brills is about to visit China, and it is expected that the United States will help China assist Russia to boost the defense industry.

U.S. officials said that Brinton will visit China a few weeks later, and the itinerary details have not yet been announced.

Reuters reported that the US State Department spokesman Miller Miller said on Tuesday (April 16): "In the past few months, we see some materials from China to Russia.We are very worried about the weapons used on the battlefield.

He said that Brinken has reported to NATO foreign ministers earlier this month. He will also discuss this issue on this issue when he meets members of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) this week.

In addition, as the United States has increased the risk of second -level sanctions to banks and companies to assist Russia to invade Ukraine, Russia is facing increasing difficulties in international revenue and expenditure.

Under the threat of US sanctions, China's export transactions in Russia in March decreased by nearly 16%year -on -year, which is the first time since mid -2022.

A person familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that Russia believes that slowing down is only temporary. When Russian President Putin visits China next month, it may be necessary to increase trade volume to Chinese officials.

When the US Treasury Minister Yellen visited China last week, he also warned that if Bank of China and exporters support Russian military capabilities, they will face the risk of US sanctions.A few days ago, when the US President Biden talked with Chinese officials, he also put forward concerns about China to support the Russian defense industry base.