Japan will send offshore special forces to India for the first time from next month. This measure is accused of competing for the influence of China in the Indo -Pacific region.The task of this special forces was originally the safety of the surrounding waters, and the official hoped to strengthen the relationship with the Indo -Pacific countries through dispatch.

The Special Boarding Unit (SBU) under the Special Force of the Japan Maritime Self -Defense Force was founded in 2001 and was established to deal with the Korean spy ship.The recent main task is to deal with Chinese ships, including boarding ships on unknown ships, and maritime counter -terrorism operations.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Forces Aides announced on Tuesday (April 16) that from next month, the subordinate special forces will go to the Indo -Pacific region to implement the sea patrol agency supporting the Pacific Island., Establish basic security capabilities.However, the specific location is not made public.

Japan Defense officials pointed out that the special forces will be dispatched for the first time, "multiple Pacific island countries requested from Japan, hoping that the Japanese can provide vessel inspection support in each island country."

In the corner of China and the United States, in order to expand its influence, "military aid" is one of the options.NHK reports that, given that China has expanded its influence through investment and support, Japan plans to send special forces to strengthen relations with India -Pacific countries.

Japan's military analysis said that the special forces in the Japanese Self -Defense Force can perform combat capabilities in land, sea, air, and underwater, and have long -distance communication and intelligence collection capabilities.Easy to happen.

The Japanese Land Self -Defense Force first publicly disclosed the field training in the United States for the first time in the United States.Yoshida Kyoko Yoshida, Chief of Staff of the Self -Defense Force, pointed out that "maintaining the highest level of training at the Special Forces of Japan and the United States will strengthen Japan's deterrence and response ability."

In response to whether the first maritime special forces will tighten China's military nerves for the first time, Sakai Sakai, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force, replied at a press conference: "Special Forces have a wide range of capabilities. Due to this timeWhat provides basic ability, I think this will not cause any concerns or doubts (China). "