(Jerusalem Comprehensive Electric) The Israeli military vowed to respond to Iran ’s missiles and drone attacks a few days ago, but did not disclose how and when to respond.It is reported that Israel guarantees to neighboring countries that retaliation against Iran will not cause them to be in danger.

The Chief of Staff of the Israeli National Defense Army Harlevi on Monday (April 15) to the south to inspect an Air Force base that attacked during an Iranian air strike.He said: "Iran launched so many missiles, cruise missiles and drones to Israeli territory, and they will face (to the side) response."

Iran dispatched more than 300 drones and missiles in the evening of Saturday (13th) in the evening to hit the targets of Israel.With the military on Monday, the Israeli military intercepted 99%of the air threats with the assistance of the United States and other allies, so the damage caused by these air strikes was very small.

The Cabinet of Israel during the war on the next day on Monday, the Iranian attack was discussed on the next day, and did not disclose when it might be retaliated after the meeting.

According to officials quoted by the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), the United States has always believed that if Israel wants to hit Iran, it is unlikely to hit the Iranian home, but will take the agency organization overseas as the main goal.However, this assessment is based on the content of the dialogue before Iranian attack on Israel. Now Israel is attacked and the idea may change.

On Tuesday, Deir El-Balah, the Palestinian people received the Arabian leaflets cast by the Israeli Army in the central city of Gasha.The leaflet said that north of the Wadi Gaza is the "dangerous theater", warning people to stay away as soon as possible.(Agence France -Presse)

Whether Israel attacked Iran's nuclear facilities and aroused the attention of all parties

Whether Israel attacked Iran's nuclear facilities is now the focus of all parties.In fact, Iran closed the nuclear facilities after launching an attack on Israel, just in case, it would not be reopen until Monday.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also expressed uneasy about Iran's nuclear facilities.The Director -General Gross said on Monday: "We have always been worried about this possibility."

IAEA still did not restore inspections on Iran's nuclear facilities on Monday, but delayed to Tuesday."I decided not to let the inspector go back until the situation was completely restored." He urged Israel to maintain extreme restraint.

When considering the military response to Iran, Israel has launched a diplomatic offensive.Foreign Minister Katz wrote to 32 countries to call on Iranian missile projects and troops to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization.

The Iranian diplomatic house in Syria was hit on April 1st. Iran said that Israel made a attack on Israel.Israel has not clearly acknowledged attacking the Iranian Embassy, ​​but said that members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards who died in that attack all participated in terrorist activities against Israel.

According to Israeli media reports, Fang also informed Jordan, Egypt, and Persian Gulf countries and other regional allies that its retaliation method of Iran would ensure that Iran could not be involved in them in subsequent counterattacks.

Iran talks, and any action against Iran will cause counterattacks.Iranian President Leis said in a call with Qatar Emil Tamham on Tuesday: "We clearly stated that any action even for Iran's interests will definitely be severely, extensive, and painful."

U.S. President Biden once again stated that he did not want the conflict to expand, but at the same time reiterated his commitment to defend Israel.When he met with Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani on Monday, he said: "The United States is committed to protecting Israel's security. We are committed to promoting (Yaha) to stop fire, allowing hostages to go home, and prevent the conflict from further expanding."

The US Defense Minister Austin also talked with the defense ministers of the Middle East and European countries, emphasizing that it was necessary to prevent conflict spread and maintain regional stability.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yelun warned that Iran's behavior threatened the stability of the Middle East and could cause economic overflow effects.She said that the United States will continue to disrupt Iran's "malicious and stable activities" through sanctions and cooperation with allies.

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) Foreign Minister Meeting was held on Wednesday (17th) on Wednesday (17th). It is the theme how to assist in ending the war in the Middle East and Ukraine.British Prime Minister Sonak revealed that G7 is formulating a package of coordination measures for Iran.