The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Philippines' decision to strengthen relations with Japan and the United States is a "sovereign choice" and urged China to reflect on its behavior in the South China Sea.

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement issued on Thursday (April 18): "Everyone knows the root cause of the tension in the region."

Statement: "China's excessive marine claims and aggression behaviors, including militaryization of recovery, is undermining regional peace and stability, and intensifying tensions."

The first Three Kingdoms Summit held by the United States, Japan and the Philippines in early April caused a strong response to China.The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on Thursday to respond to criticism of China.

The leaders of the three countries of the United States, Japan and the Philippines issued a "Joint Vision Statement" after the summit to outline a series of economic and national defense cooperation in the three countries of the United States, Japan and the Philippines.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China rebuked the United States and Japan and the Philippine statement that it was "a wantonly discredited attack on China" and criticized the Philippines 'provocations and the United States' "stir -fired ignition and provoking confrontation" caused the regional situation to rise.

U.S. Philippines will hold a joint military exercise next week

In addition, the Philippines and the United States will hold an "side -by -side" joint military exercise in the next week. It is the first time that the Philippines has held joint military exercises in the international waters that lead overseas and the South China Sea in the past 40 years.

As the tension of the South China Sea continued to heat up, the US -Philippine military exercise attracted much attention.

The Philippines and China have had a series of conflicts in the South China Sea in the past year. The two countries have collided many times.Called Renai Reef) Stranging warship transportation.