At the first three -sided meeting held on Wednesday (April 17), the US -Japan -South Korea and South Korea Treasury Secretary agreed to "closely negotiate" the situation of the foreign exchange market and acknowledge the recent depreciation of Japanese and South Korean and Korean won.

Analysts say that this may mean that the United States has actually acquired the Japanese intervention market, and it does not even rule out the possibility of common intervention.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen and Japanese Treasury Secretary Suzuki Suzuki and South Korean Vice Premier and Minister of Planning Cui Xiangmu issued a joint statement after attending Washington on Wednesday that the three parties will "continue to follow our existing Group of 20 (G20).The commitment is closely negotiating on the development of the foreign exchange market, and at the same time acknowledges the serious concerns of Japan and South Korea's recent significant depreciation of Japanese yen and South Korea. "

The Ministry of Finance, the financialist of the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for exchange rate affairs, subsequently pointed out that the G7 Treasury Secretary reiterated in the Washington to reiterate the over -volatility of the foreign exchange market and reiterate the existing exchange rate commitment.

When officials of the Three Kingdoms issued the above -mentioned rare warnings, it was just that the US recent interest rate cutting expectations weakened, pushing the yen exchange rate to the 34 -year low.The yen depreciated by about 9%against the US dollar this year, and the Korean Mall depreciated by about 7%against the US dollar, which led to Japanese and South Korean officials to strengthen warnings on the depreciation of the local currency.

Some analysts said that Washington acknowledged that Tokyo and Seoul's concerns about the currency exchange rate may laid the foundation for intervention in the market.