In recent weeks, American legislators have banned Chinese applications Tiktok take action.President Biden reiterated his commitment to suppress the rise of Chinese technology.The Chinese government includes the imported blacklist of Intel and AMD.

Now, with the acceleration of science and technology and economic and economic cold war between the United States and China, the leaders of the Silicon Valley industry are using this conflict to lobby and strive for their interests in artificial intelligence. This is another prospective technology field.

On May 1st, Alex Karp, the head of the defense contractor Palantir, and Rolov Bota, a partner of Richard Capital Management of Risk Investment Company, more than 100The heads and investors of the technology company will go to Washington to participate in a one -day meeting and private dinner. The focus of the event is to encourage a stronger attitude towards China's progress in artificial intelligence.

Louisiana Republicans, Speaker Mike Johnson and other dozens of parliamentarians will also attend this event called "Mountain and Valley Forum".Furnace conversation and theme discussion.

The senior management of technology companies plans to use this activity to directly lobby to oppose the regulations they think they think are cumbersome artificial intelligence, and ask the government to increase expenditure in this technology and research to support their development.They also plan to relax immigration restrictions and let more artificial intelligence experts come to the United States.

This event shows that Washington and Silicon Valley have reached an agreement in an unusual field. For a long time, the two sides have been conflict on issues such as data privacy, children's network protection, and even China.

"In the final analysis, whether you are in the industry or government departments, no matter where you stand, we play for the US team,"Norte said.He will open his speech at the conference.

In the past year, it has generated artificial intelligence -a technology that is likely to fundamentally change productivity, innovation and employment trends -after the rise, lobbying activities around this topic have surged.According to data from the non -profit research institution OpenSecrets, more than 450 companies, non -profit organizations, universities and trade groups last year lobne artificial intelligence, more than double the previous year.Parantel's lobbying expenditure last year has doubled to $ 5 million, a historical highest level.

Civil society groups and scholars warn that as scientific and technological leaders use the anti -China boom in Washington, debate around science and technology leadership competition may damage the potential harm of supervision, such as some artificial intelligence tools may kill employment and spread falsehoodInformation and disturbing elections.

"The dynamics of this Sino -US competition have a profound impact, because the other aspect of the slowdown of China is the friction and supervision of American companies," the executive director of the research company AI NOW Institute, the former Federal Trade Commission manual artificial manual artificial manualSmart senior consultant Anba Carca said.

Artificial intelligence experts said that China has lags behind the United States for at least one year in the generation of artificial intelligence, and it may be further behind, although a new study shows that China leads the United States in terms of talents.

The May of May was organized by the senior adviser of Parantel and a member of the US -China Economic and Security Evaluation Committee Jacob Helberg, which reported to Congress a national security threat to China.Last year, he organized a private dinner for the first time, which mainly discussed the threat of Tiktok, a Byte Betting company headquartered in Beijing. He expanded this year's forum on the basis of that party.

The event is held in the Capitol Building. In addition to artificial intelligence, the speeches will also promote the Senate to speak by the prohibition of Tiktok's legislation. SpaceX's founding employee Tom Muller will give a speech on the space competition between the United States and China.Attendees also include the Republican Senator of the South Dakota, Michael Langz, a senior member of the Military Commission, and a member of the Communist Party of China and a member of the Communist Party of China, a member of the Communist Party of China and a member of the New York State Democratic member Rich Torres.

"Technology companies can no longer maintain neutrality," Herberg said.He also said that he avoided any work involving the contract contract for the US -China Economic and Security Examination Commission, because these contracts may bring advantages to Palantel.

Venture investors participating in this event have made dozens of artificial intelligence investment.Sequoia Capital invested more than 70 artificial intelligence startups.Coslaston's investment in Coslated Corporation, which has a market value of $ 15 billion, has a number of investment, including OpenAI behind the ChatGPT chat robot.

"We regard China as an opponent, which has become more obvious and more important," said the head of the Coses Risk Investment Corporation, the head of the Coses Corusla, who will speak on the forum."I am worried about the contradictions between Western values ​​and China's different sets of values."