(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden Bayeng on Wednesday (17th) was urged to increase the tariffs of Chinese steel and aluminum to double the support of Chinese steel and aluminum.This may be angry with Beijing.

Officials said that in the campaign of Pittsburgh, the "Steel City", Bayeng raised tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum to 25%when visiting the headquarters of the US Iron and Steel Workers' Federation.

According to the White House statement, China ’s policies and subsidies for its domestic steel and aluminum industry means that high -quality American products will be artificially lowered and increased carbon emissions.

U.S. Trade Representative Daiqi Dai Qi on Tuesday (16th) before attending the hearing of the House of Representatives, saying that the United States is preparing to pass the new tariff operation and review the tariffs such as the Trump's era of imports of imports from Trump to fight.China's non -market policies and practices.

She said that China's policies have caused the dependence and vulnerability of many industries, harm American workers and corporate rights, and increase the risk of supply chain."This is why we have to examine existing tools to solve this problem, including using the use 301 clauses to conduct four years of review of China."

Daiqi said at the hearing that it is closely evaluating a request made by the five US unions, that is, a new 301 investigation of China ’s suspected unfair behaviors, policies and practices in the field of shipping logistics and shipbuilding in sea transportation.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen said when visiting China last week that the exports of Chinese electric vehicles, solar panels and other products have constituted "unacceptable" dumping behavior.Analysis believes that this may be the precursor of China on the United States again with 301 clauses.

301 survey originated from Article 301 of the 1974 Trade Law. This clause authorized the US trade representatives to investigate the "unreasonable or unfair trade practices" of other countries, and proposed that the president would impose unilateral sanctions after the investigation.According to the 301 survey, the United States has imposed 25%tariffs on goods imported from China in July and August 2018.