(Washington / Jerusalem Comprehensive) The United States previews the United States on Tuesday (April 16) that new sanctions will soon be imposed on Iranian missiles and drone projects.The European Union is also discussing expanding sanctions on Iran, including seeking restrictions on the exit of Iranian unmanned machines and missiles.The United States and allies want to strictly sanction in Iran and persuade Israel to launch large -scale retaliation on Iran's attacks to avoid further upgrading the situation.

The US National Security Consultant Shalin issued a statement on Tuesday that the United States will issue new sanctions on Iran in the next few days. The sanctions targets include Iran's missiles and drone projects, as well as supporting the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard and the Iranian Ministry of Defense.Personnel or organization.It is expected that American allies and partners will soon announce similar measures.

At the same time, the United States will continue to strengthen and expand the integration of air defense and missile defense systems in the Middle East, as well as the integration of early warning systems to further weaken Iran's missiles and drones capabilities to deal with a series of problems in Iran.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen revealed earlier on Tuesday that all options to prevent Iran's terrorist financing on the table were placed on the table. The United States will not hesitate to cooperate with allies to continue to combat the malicious and stable activities of the Iranian regime.She did not disclose specific measures, but mentioned that the United States has been working hard to weaken Iran's oil export ability and pointed out "we can do more."

US Treasury officials revealed that the United States also considers cooperation with the partners of the Seven Kingdoms (G7) and other countries including China to restrict Iran's ability to obtain the products required by manufacturing weapons.

Boralli, a senior representative of EU Foreign and Security Policy, said on Tuesday that at the EU Foreign Minister Conference on the day, some EU member states proposed to expand restrictions on Iran, and his office will start related preparations.

Berrely said that the European Union seeks to expand existing sanctions that restrict Iran with drones to Russia, covering the league exit, and may restrict Iran's agency organizations to provide these weapons to the agency organizations in the Middle East.

The third meeting was held on Tuesday during the war of Israel to decide how to deal with Iranian attacks, but the meeting was temporarily extended until Wednesday (17th).

News: Israeli has decided to fight back Iran's way

The Jerusalem Post quoted the news on Tuesday that the Israeli Army has decided to fight back in Iran, but the decision may still change without time.The current signs show that Israel still hopes to avoid upgrading this conflict to a regional war.

Reports pointed out that Israel's revenge options include directly attacking Iran's nuclear facilities, attacking Iranian drones or ballistic missile facilities for attacking Israel, or more limited practices, such as assassination of specific individuals and punishment of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards stationed inForeign officers.Israel may also combine different options and launch large -scale network attacks at the same time.

British Foreign Minister Cameron visited Jerusalem on Wednesday that Israel has obviously decided to respond to the Iranian attack.He emphasized: "We hope that they will do this as much as possible not to cause the situation to upgrade."

Iranian President Laich warned again on Wednesday that any "slightly tiny invasion" in Israel would lead to severe heavy counterattack in Iran.The Iranian Republic News Agency (IRNA) quoted Lechi as saying that Iran's attack on Israel on Saturday was limited. If Iran wants to launch a greater attack, the Israeli regime "will not be left."

Experts believe that Israel will not be able to deal with the two fronts of Gasha and Iran at the same time.Holorovitz, head of the security consulting company Le Beck International, told AFP that "Israel cannot attack La Fa at the same time and retaliate against Iran. It must make a choice."

It was previously reported that the army originally scheduled to launch an ground offensive on the southernmost point of Gaza this week to eliminate Hamas's residual battle camp, but Iran's attack disrupted this plan.

According to medical staff and residents, the military fighter aircraft air strikes on Tuesday, causing several people to be injured.On the same day, the Israeli tank reopened Beit Hanoun in the northern part of Gaza, forcing a few weeks ago to return to the local Palestinians to escape again.