After the defeat of the South Korean ruling party in the Congress election held on April 10, President Yin Xiyue said on Tuesday (16th) that he would work hard to communicate with the people and listen to the voice of the people in the future.In this regard, public opinion believes that Yin Xiyue only emphasizes "communication, listening" rather than apologizing, and criticizing Yin Xiyue from the election results without lessons.

Yin Xiyue said in the state of the State Conference on the morning of the 16th: "The voices that appeared through the Congress election will communicate more with a lower posture and flexible attitude, and listen to the voices from me." He said: "In the past two years, he has been working hard to do things for the people and the country, but failed to meet the expectations of citizens. Although it has determined the correct direction of governance, (considers) lacks (let the people) feel the change.In my opinion, from the large framework, even if the policy that is considered for the people should not be careless, the most important thing is to take care of the lives of the people more meticulously.

He emphasized that for the future of South Korea, reform cannot stop, and will continue to promote the three major reforms and medical reforms of labor, education, and annuity.He said: "For the stability of people's livelihood, explain the necessary budgets and bills to Congress, and work hard to communicate more."

He mentioned the words "folk voice" and "people's livelihood" 14 times in a 12 -minute speech.Although he mentioned cooperation with Congress, he did not propose to hold one -to -one talks with the largest co -Democratic Democratic Party Li Zaiming to promote the cooperation in the opposition and field.

Relevant sources of senior executives of the Presidential Palace revealed that at the closed -door meeting held later, Yin Xiyue compared the results of the election as the "spur of love" of the people, and apologized: "I couldn't observe and accept the wishes of the people."

Public opinion criticism Yin Xiyue's apology is not sincere enough

Public opinion believes that Yin Xiyue's apology was reposted by staff after the State Conference, and this attitude was not sincere enough.

Park Zhumin, chief deputy deputy representative of the Kyoto Communist Democratic Parliament, said: "After the Congress election, President Yin expressed his position through the presidential secretary. Today, he expressed his position through the opening of the State Conference. Is this an honest communication?"

The ruling party members who were loser in this election sighed: "President holds a press conference to formally express apology to the public. Why do you open a conference on the State Conference? It is really difficult to understand."

A ruling party supporter Jin Xiangshu (70 years old) also said: "Yin Xiyue takes the manuscript, just like reading textbooks, there is no new idea. The results of the election seem to be sober. At this timeDoes he mean that he is right, but the common people can't see the results?

Li Xicheng, a professor at the Graduate School of Policy Management of Tan Guo University, pointed out that from the perspective of Yin Xiyue's speech and attitude, it is not easy for him to change the direction of administration.In particular, he did not mention that he would meet as soon as possible in the opposition party, which also reduced the people's expectations for changes in the posture of the president.

In addition, South Korean Prime Minister Han Dexu resigned after the election, but Yin Xiyue has not yet determined the new president of the Prime Minister.Public opinion believes that if the candidate nominated by Yin Xiyue is opposed by the opposition party, it may lead to further deterioration of the people's hearts. He may consider this and be more cautious about the president's candidates.The ruling party in the election caused Yin Xiyue to be embarrassed.

A survey released by the "Real Measurement" of South Korean polls on the 15th showed that Yin Xiyue's political praise rate was 32.6%, and the difference was 63.6%.The praise rate has dropped to the lowest level since the third week of October 2023.