(Washington Composite Electric) Analysts believe that although Iran has launched a revenge on Israel, it is unlikely that the United States has adopted more severe sanctions on Iranian oil exports to avoid pushing high oil prices and the biggest buyer in Iranian oil.

In the House of Republican Republican, Skalis Sunday (April 14), in an interview with Fox News, he accused the Biden government of making it easier for Iran to sell oil and use income to fund terrorist activities.In the face of political pressure, the difficult problem that the Biden government must solve today is how to prevent such attacks in the future without leading to the upgrading of regional tensions, rising oil prices, or confrontation with China.

Washington has been emphasizing in the past few months that it must prevent the expansion of the conflict of Harbin into a wider regional war, and at the same time, let Tehran be in the bureau not to participate.

Election annual oil and gas prices are important

Analysts pointed out that the United States has not strictly enforced oil -related sanctions in the past few years. Now it is impossible to strengthen law enforcement, so as not to lead to rising oil prices and natural gas and destroying Sino -US relations.

华盛顿能源咨询公司拉皮丹能源集团总裁、中央情报局前官员莫德尔说:“即使这些法案获得通过,拜登政府也很难尽快采取行动,执行现有制裁措施,或是制定新Sanctions to reduce or curb Iran's oil exports. "

Moder said that Ripidan's energy estimates that Iran's oil exports now reach 1.6 million to 1.8 million barrels per day, which is close to the level of 2 million barrels per day before sanctions.

The sanctions of the Atlantic Council of the American Think Tank and Anti -Money Laundering Expert Donanvan said that the sanctions related to oil in the past few years have not been strictly enforced."I estimate that the government will not strengthen sanctions on Iran's attack on Israel last weekend, mainly because it is worried that this may lead to rising oil prices. In the year of election, the price of oil and natural gas becomes crucial."

Vortexa Analytics estimated that last year China purchased 1.11 million barrels of Iranian crude oil daily, accounting for about 90 % of Iran's crude oil exports and 10 % of PetroChina imports.

Analysts believe that the United States may take some actions to reduce Iranian oil exports, partly because it is to alleviate Israel's response to Iran's attack.However, they said that the United States should not take major actions such as sanctioning major financial institutions in China, but may target Chinese or other entities involving such trade.

A spokesman for the US State Department said that the United States did not lift any sanctions against Iran and would continue to increase pressure on Iran.The spokesman said: "Our comprehensive and heavy sanctions on Iran are still effective and will continue to be enforced."

Jon Alterman, director of the Middle Eastern Project of Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center, said Washington has limited ability to implement sanctions, and evaders are good at finding loopholes.He did not think that Washington could completely block Iranian oil exports.