Trump and Putin met at the G20 Summit in Osaka in 2019

Russian President Putin said on Thursday that he believed that Republican presidential candidate Trump sincerely hopes to end the Ukrainian war, but he does not know how Trump intends to achieve this after he was elected.

Putin made the above statement at a press conference held in Kazakhstan at a press conference in Kazakhstan after a regional security meeting.Trump said that if he won the White House election on November 5, he might quickly end the Ukrainian war.

"As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump claimed that he was ready and wanted to stop the Ukrainian war, and we took it seriously about this," Putin said.

"Of course, I don't know how he intends to do this. This is a key issue. But I don't doubt his sincerity, we support him (the idea of ​​ending the war)."

The Washington Post reported in April that Trump had talked about Putin in private to keep Putin retain the Donbas region partially controlled by Crimea and the Russian army, which was merged in Ukraine in 2014 to exchange for peace. Trump'sThe campaign team has not confirmed this.

According to Reuters last month, Trump's two important consultants proposed to him to end the Russian and Ukraine War-if he won the presidential election-including telling Ukraine, only to join peaceful negotiations can you get more the United Statesarms.

Putin said last month that if Ukraine abandoned NATO's ambitions and the four Ukrainian regions claimed to have sovereignty in Moscow, Russia would stop fire and negotiate peacefully.

Putin said that during the fierce US presidential election, it is impossible for a constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington. Moscow will wait for the election results to see what the new leadership will do.

Putin has repeatedly stated that he believes that for Russia, Biden is more suitable as the future US President Bei Trump.