(Jakarta Reuters) Indonesia's Immigration Bureau deported 13 Taiwanese involving severe crimes last week and returned to Taiwan for legal sanctions.

The Director of the Indonesian Immigration Department Silmi issued a statement saying that the 13 people were repatriated on Thursday (July 4) in Taiwan."According to the investigation of immigration officials, the 13 people were suspected of participating in cyber crimes, money laundering and drug trafficking. They are still wanted criminals in Taiwan, and they will be charged and tried in Taiwan."

Indonesian Immigration Bureau and the police last month in a large -scale operation, destroying a cyber fraud gang based on the Holiday resort Bali Luxury Villa, arrested 103 Taiwanese.However, Taiwan said that they were told that there were only 14 Taiwanese among the suspects.

The Indonesian Immigration Department said at the time that these suspects were suspected of abusing entry permits and network crimes. The main goal was Malaysians.Although this fraud gang was in Indonesia, because the victim was not in Indonesia and the criminal act was not within the scope of Indonesia's jurisdiction, the official could not sue these suspects and could only deport them.