President Biden performed poorly in the presidential debate on Thursday night, and the former President Trump just shrugged, which aroused the anxiety of the American allies.

Trump often derogates NATO and even threatens the United States to withdraw from NATO. What he said in the debate can not relieve Europeans' concerns about his military alliance.

Bynden asked him if he would withdraw from NATO. Trump did not answer, but shrugged.

"I was very worried before this debate, and now I am even more worried," said Jana Poglin, director of the German Office of the European Foreign Relations Commission."Trump may want to formally leave NATO, or he may not want, but he has all means to destroy NATO."

The core of NATO is Article 5 of the Charter, that is, each member state has the obligation to protect all other member states."The key to deterrence is credibility, and fundamental speaking, Article 5 always depends on how you understand it," Piglin said."So, this depends on whether the US president takes it as a credible deterrent."

She said that, given that Trump is suspicious of the league, those European countries who rely on the United States to protect their commitments are worried that he may try to establish bilateral relations with Europe and "make it a business relationship."

Camille Grand, a former assistant secretary -general of NATO, said that if there is a second term, the "will be the kind of person who wants to transform his intuition into a policy, not to say, 'Presidential PresidentSir, this is a bad idea '.

"But the worst is his unpredictable, and Europe is in a state of war," he also said."In a peaceful period, there will always be another opportunity to establish a relationship or establish a relationship," Grand said."But in a war, if he suddenly proposed a peaceful solution overnight, or proposed something that made the security guarantee of the United States be empty, it would be difficult to deal with it."

Trump bragged himself on Thursday evening to force European countries to increase military expenditure, although European military expenditure spending increased more under Bayeng's leadership.Grand said that Europeans have understood that they must do more in their defense. In fact, their annual defense expenditure increased by $ 130 billion over 2014.

But no matter who is elected president, "We need to ensure that we can defend Europe in the United States."

NATO supporters are not the only international observers who are uneasy about this debate.The aggressive Trump and the staggering Bayeng made analysts feel uneasy -not just about who might win in the November election.

The historian of the High International Research College of John Hopkins University Washington, Washington, wrote on X: "This election damage to the reputation of the American democracy far exceeds that of Putin and Xi Jinping's ability"The degree of reaching" he refers to the leaders of the United States' largest opponent Russia and China.

"I'm worried about the outside world's impression of us," he continued to write."This is not the image of the leader. This is a picture of declining."

No matter who becomes president, the United States is facing major global challenges -in Asia, the rise from the rise, and the nuclear support North Korea, which has recently been supported by Putin; in Europe, the war from Russia to Ukraine; in the Middle East;Israel's war against Hamas may spread to southern Lebanon and even Iran.

In this noisy debate, there is almost no substantial content about foreign policy.Without explanation, Trump insisted that he could stop Putin from invading Ukraine, or to prevent Hamas from invading Israel, and he could have quickly ended these two conflicts.

Biden mentioned his efforts to co -assume Ukraine and fight against Russia."I let I support Ukraine in 50 other countries in the world, including Japan and South Korea," he said.

French analyst Francois Esburg said that some people believe that Trump was likely to be president, and his chances of debate have become even greater."Therefore, on all issues, this debate confirmed European concerns, and some of these concerns have been incorporated into people's thinking."

"" People hearing Trump said he wanted to reduce the assistance to Ukraine, so this would become the center of debate, "he said, in addition, Trump also said that he likes Putin, a iron -fist leader.

However, on the issue of Israel and Gaza, "I am not sure how different it will bring," Esburg said."You can't move the embassy to Jerusalem twice."

In addition to worrying about Trump's difficult to predict (the debate has confirmed this), people also have new concerns about Biden's governing ability.Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoswaf Sikosky's evaluation is the strictest.He posted on social media and compared Bayeng with the Roman Emperor Marco Aolle. He wrote that Orac Li "gave the baton to the incompetent son Kang Maode and messed up his power.The disaster rule opened the decline of Rome. "

"Arrange the last part of the twilight years, which is very important," West Carsky wrote.

In Ukraine, the hustle and bustle of the debate returns on Friday.

About Biden, the popular radio host Pogdan Butkovic wrote on social media: "His main task is to make voters believe that he is very energetic and do a good job of governing in powerPreparation. "But Butkovic wrote," he failed to do this.

Trump said he believes that the Clemlin's preserved territory is unacceptable, and some people are pleased to this.The title of Ukraine News Media Kiev was "Trump rejected Putin's peaceful conditions, and Biden made Democrats disturbed."

The Russian media describes this debate as a sign of weakness and chaos in the United States.Russian Councilor Dimitri Novikov said in a talk show on the official television station on Friday that the result was "good for us.""The instability inside the opponent is always a good thing."

In Asia, the serious issue about how US politics will affect stability has emerged again.Trump's term has deeply shocked the region's alliance. In the past four years, countries that hope to see the United States' balance of China's influence and weaken North Korea's nuclear ambition have been working hard to rebuild the relationship with Washington.

"This is obviously the victory of Trump, and it also worsened the snow on Biden's campaign," said Li Bingzhe, a professor at the Far East Research Institute of Qingnan University in Seoul.

"We must now prepare for Trump's second government," he also said.

In Japan in the United States in Asia, officials almost spare no effort to claim that they are willing to cooperate with any leader selected by the United States.But Trump said in the debate that he does not want to spend money to defend the ally, which may make people once again worry that he treats international relations as a transaction, not a long -lasting relationship.

"I guess the Japanese policy makers are thinking, 'Okay, it is likely to be Trump, so we must consolidate the system in the system as much as possible so that he cannot destroy them,'" Tokyo Shangzhi UniversityPolitical scientist Nakano said."This is like tie yourself to the mast that may soon sink, so this is a false security illusion."

In recent years, India has been working hard to overcome long -term distrust and expand its military and trade relations with Washington.Although during Trump's presidential period, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a harmonious relationship with him, but the Indian institutionalists believed that Biden had a steady side. He knew how the alliance operated and how to curb geopolitical risks.

Tarra Katta, a former senior official of the Indian National Security Council, pointed out that Trump is unpredictable and may change his position -for example, if Beijing provides him with better trade conditions, he may change the current pair of current pairsChina's tough attitude.This uncertainty makes India, which borders China and has a long -term competition with Beijing. It is difficult to evaluate the situation carefully.

"We are avoiding conflict with China," she said."Because you are not sure what will happen to the United States."

In China, the presidential debate has become a hot topic on the Weibo of social media platform.Most of the Chinese official media spoke directly from local reports -and they did not have a handshake -they did not make much comments.

Shen Dingli, a scholar of Shanghai International Relations, said that this debate only strengthened the long -term idea of ​​the Chinese government: no matter who the next president is, the US policy for the United States will only become harder.

After the debate on Thursday, it was obvious that few Asian analysts were optimistic about the presidential candidates in the United States.

"Where is a good person? Where is a brave person?" Said Cassi Piromia, who was former Thai Foreign Minister and Ambassador to Washington.He also said that Southeast Asian countries must have their own vision of foreign policy.

"Why should I wait for Trump to be a bad person?" He said.