(Manila Comprehensive News) On the eve of the visit to the Philippines, the Japanese Foreign Minister Uenagawa said that it is necessary for Japan and the Philippines to strengthen cooperation to "strengthen freedom, openness, and rule of law."

Japan and the Philippines on Monday (July 8) held a second meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.Uenagawa Yoshiko said in an article entitled to the road to strategic collaboration, saying that Japan -Philippine relations climbed into the peak in November 2023 when Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida visited Manila in November 2023. The two countries also made progress in many fields.

Japan -Philippine agreed to start consulting on the military visits agreement.Philippine media reported that Blauna, Chief of Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces, said last week that the two countries were expected to sign an agreement at the meeting after seven months of consultation.

Uenagawa Yoshiko pointed out: "Recently, Japan and the Philippines have made stable progress in bilateral cooperation. This includes negotiations on the mutual visits agreement of the Japanese and Philippines, as well as providing early warning and control radar, coastal monitoring radar and large patrol ships."

China Maritime Police Ship approaches the Philippine patrol ship

The conferences of the two countries were held in the context of the tight situation of the South China Sea.The Philippine Coast Guard West Philippines spokesman Talira said on Saturday (6th) that the official detection of the Chinese Maritime Police 5901, which is known as the world's largest maritime police ship, entered the Philippine exclusive economic zone, and closer to the Philippine Coast Guard patrollingThe location of the ship Teresa Magbanua.

Trisa Magbanuya is the largest patrol ship of the Philippine Coast Guard. In the past two months, it has performed tasks on Sabina Shoal (China known as Xianbin Reef).

According to the Philippine media reports, Tarira said that the Chinese Maritime Police 5901 ship departed from Hainan on Monday (1st) and entered the Philippines exclusive economic zone the next day.Reef), then go to Mischief Reef and Sabina Reef.

"This Chinese maritime police ship has been moored for more than two days in Sabina Reef ... It is now only 800 yards (about 730 meters) from Trisa Magbanua."

The Philippines still does not know the motivation of the Chinese maritime police.Tarira said that Trisa Magbuuya questioned the purpose of the Chinese Maritime Police 5901 ship in the waters through radio quality and said that China has no jurisdiction there, but China respondedIt is legal operation.

So far, the Philippine official has not received any reports that the staff of Tyrusa Magbanuya has been harassed.

Tarila said: "This is the intimidation of the Chinese sea police, but no matter how many ships in China deployed there ... The Philippine Coast Guard will not be intimidated, nor will it beRecall to Bala "