Chinese panda "Yunchuan" and "Xinbao" went to the United States for a week. It is currently good health and adaptable.

The China Wildlife Protection Association reports the above news on the official WeChat public account on Thursday (July 4).

According to the report, the panda "Yunchuan" and "Xinbao" arrived at San Diego Zoo on the morning of June 28, Beijing time, and were escorted by Chinese and American experts into the isolation quarantine area.The two giant pandas are currently good health and adaptable.

The outgoing and lively "Yunchuan" is extremely comfortable whether it is pacing on the grass or climbing frame."Xinbao" likes to enjoy the sun quietly and focuses on enjoying the food it likes.

For a week, San Diego Zoo has continuously adjusted the diet formula according to the opinions of Chinese experts based on the opinions and taste preferences of the giant panda.Nest.

In order to better help them adapt to the new environment, Sino -US experts also conducted food adaptability training and weight training for two giant pandas.The medical care team between China and the United States conducts healthy monitoring of giant pandas daily and pays attention to their weight, appetite, and feces to ensure that they can grow up healthily in a new environment.

According to the China News Agency, San Diego Zoo is the first zoo in the United States to conduct research with Chinese panda protection cooperation.Since 1994, the two sides have achieved fruitful results in the research, technical exchanges and personnel training.

In February this year, the China Wildlife Protection Association and San Diego Zoo signed a new round of giant panda protection cooperation agreement to open a 10 -year giant panda international protection cooperation.

The National Forestry and Grassland Bureau of China revealed that the two giant pandas "Yunchuan" and "Xinbao" left the Big Panda Protection Research Center Ya'an Bifeng Gorge Base on the evening of June 26.The airport flew to the United States.

, the Chinese and American institutions signed a letter of intent, and planned to achieve a pair of giant pandas to San Francisco in 2025.