The U.S. government summoned the International Swimming Federation Executive Director Brent Nowicki to testify and investigated 23 Chinese swimmers at the Tokyo Olympic Games suspected of taking violations of drugs.

According to Reuters on Friday (July 5), the first committee of the US House of Representatives called on the US Department of Justice to investigate the above -mentioned banned drugs before the Paris Olympics this year.

In a statement, the International Swimming Federation said: "The International Swimming Federation can confirm that the executive director Novitzki received a witnesses of the US government. He is trying to arrange a meeting with the government,This is likely to make him no need to testify in front of the jury.Representatives of the US Department of Justice did not immediately respond to the request of the comment.

The World Anti -Doping Organization (WADA) said that he knew the existence of the above investigation, but did not contact the law enforcement department, and once again defended Wada's handling of the case.

Wada said: "WADA carefully reviewed the files of Chinese swimmers, consulted science and legal experts, and finally determined that WADA could not question the pollution, so there is no need to appeal."

The New York Times reported on April 20 that 23 Chinese swimming players were measured by the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 to be positive.China Anti -Doping Center (Chinada) determined that athletes had contaminated food without knowing it, so they did not make a penalty.

Wada accepted the results of the investigation of China at the time and decided not to intervene.A few weeks later, several Chinese players who tested the positive Chinese player won the medal in the Tokyo Olympics, including three gold medals.

Wada admitted that he did not investigate the case of 23 Chinese swimmers' drug tests in the field. Instead, it was based on the report of the Chinese anti -doping agency, and then hired his experts and external legal consultants to verify.

Wada was found on April 25 this year that it was announced on April 25 this year to decide that Eric Cottier, a prosecutor from Switzerland, conducted an independent investigation of the matter.Reuters reports that Cottil may announce the results of the investigation as early as possible.