(Washington Comprehensive News) The United States launched a criminal investigation on 23 Chinese swimmers in the Tokyo Olympics suspected of taking illegal drugs and summoned Brent Nowicki, Executive Director of the International Swimming Federation.

According to Reuters on Friday (July 5th), the International Swimming Federation confirmed in a statement that the executive director Novitzki received a witnesses of the US government, stating that Novitzki worked hard to arrange for arrangementsDirectly meet with the government to avoid testimony in front of the large jury.

(WADA)The case, but there is no US law enforcement department to contact.WADA also explained again, carefully reviewing the files of Chinese swimmers, consulting science and legal experts, and finally determined that WADA cannot question the pollution, so there is no need to appeal.

The New York Times reported in April this year that 23 Chinese swimmers were measured by the Tokyo Olympics in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. China Anti-Qipu Center Plug -in food, so no punishment was made.

WADA also accepted the results of the Chinese investigation and decided not to intervene. Related athletes participated in the Tokyo Olympics normally and several medals were won.

After the report was made public, the First Committee of the House of Representatives called on the US Department of Justice to investigate the above -mentioned banned drugs before the Paris Olympics this year.Under the criticism and pressure of WADA, the prosecutor of Switzerland Coriel conducted an independent investigation on the case. The results of the investigation may be announced next week.