(Washington/Beijing Comprehensive News) For senior US officials, it is reported that the ability to restrict China's production of high -end semiconductors in Japan and the Netherlands has reportedly opposed the US semiconductor industry against the Chinese semiconductor industry.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian on Wednesday (June 19) criticized at a regular press conference that the United States' approach is essentially to safeguard its own hegemony, deprive China's rights to develop legitimate development, be a high -end value chain, and artificial disruption.The global supply chain is stable."This behavior seriously hinders the development of the global semiconductor industry. In the end, it will be backbone, and it will not be good for others."

Lin Jian hopes to distinguish between right and wrong, resolutely resist coercion, and jointly maintain a fair and open international economic and trade order and its long -term interests.

According to Reuters on Tuesday (June 18), a person familiar with the matter was quoted, and the above -mentioned US senior officials were Deputy Minister of Commerce Estwes.People familiar with the matter also said that Washington is discussing with the allies to include another 11 other Chinese chip factories on the limit list. At present, there are five factories on the list.China/Story20240529-3745644 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Including China's largest chip manufacturer SMIC .The United States also intends to control more chip manufacturing equipment.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed to Reuters that US -Dutch officials held meetings about export policies and security in the Netherlands on Monday (June 17).The Ministry of Industry of Japan said that there are exchanges with the United States, but they will not comment on diplomatic interaction.

Bloomberg reported on Wednesday that people familiar with the matter reported that Estwes had not yet moved.Story20240102-1459609 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Optical Machine Giants Asumi and Japanese semiconductor manufacturing equipment giant Tokyo Electronics have more restrictions in China, focusing on China that develops high bandwidth memory (HBM) in China (HBM).Manufacturer.

The machines of Asmai and Tokyo Electronics can be used to produce dynamic random storage memory (DRAM), which can make HBM chips together stacked.HBM chip is an indispensable part of the AI ​​hardware ecosystem. AI accelerators manufactured by Nvidia and ultra -micro -semiconductor (AMD) must be integrated with HBM chips to achieve efficiency.

The United States is seeking allies to support the establishment of a more effective global blockade against China, but the Dutch and Japanese government has been resisting the pressure of the United States, hoping to have more time to evaluate the impact of the current export ban, and observe the results of the Presidential election in the United States in November.