The Cambodian Dechong Canal Project, which is built by China, will start construction in August this year.This Canal, about 180 kilometers, extended from the Bailma Port on the coast to Port in Phnom Penh. Shipping can bypass the port of southern Vietnam, greatly shorten the transportation distance from Phnom Penh to the estuary, and further reduce Cambodia's economy to Vietnam's economy to Vietnam.rely.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hongmanet said that the Techo Funan Canal of Dechong will make Cambodians not have to nose.Vietnam expressed concerns about the canal project on the grounds of environmental protection, saying that this would lead to the lack of water in the Mekong River Delta across the two countries, exacerbating soil salt, and disrupting the local ecosystem.

The attitude of Cambodia and Vietnam shows that the construction of the Dechong Funan Canal not only cares about economic activities, but also reflects the changes in the geopolitical balance of the Central South Peninsula.While Cambodia maintains a good relationship with Vietnam, it also strives to get rid of Vietnam's influence on Cambodia.

The 40 -year relationship of Vietnam and Cambodia is constantly being cut and chaotic

Cambodian officials and business leaders believe that the construction of the canal is part of the reform of logistics, reduce the total transportation cost by nearly 30%, and help enhance the competitiveness of key export industries such as the local clothing industry.The Dechong Funan Canal will also avoid Cambodia from being stuck in the throat by Vietnam ’s prosperous festival and political factors.

Lin Weicai, a visiting researcher at the Southeast Asian Research Center of the Royal University of Phnom Penh, pointed out in the Lianhe Morning Post that the construction of this canal project in Cambodia means that Vietnam is no longer as the leading force of the Central South Peninsula as during the Cold War.

He said: "The move of the Cambodian government shows how a small country is not affected by other countries, and the ability and subjective initiative of their own way."

"Hongma Na and the new generation of leaders have no special emotional connection with Vietnam. In order to establish their own political heritage, Hongma Ni must prove that she is not affected by Vietnam."

The Cambodian people have accused the government for a long time.In the 38 years when Honma's father and former Prime Minister Hun Sen took power, Vietnam had been supported by Vietnam, resulting in Hunson's criticism of "Vietnam".After taking over, Hongma Nei wants to establish a different image, and insisting on promoting the Dechong Fukan Canal project to reduce the dependence of Vietnam can stimulate nationalist emotions and enhance his domestic reputation and support.

This move caused official concerns of Vietnam.Although most of the current environmental protection organizations have opinions on the canal project, Song Du, the Dean of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Cambodia, pointed out that Vietnam really worried that it lost control over Cambodia."If there is a canal in Cambodia, Vietnam will not be able to control the import and export of Cambodia, and it cannot be charged for transit transportation. In this way, it is difficult for Vietnamese investors to be competitive."

This makes the relationship with Vietnam the first diplomatic test facing Hongmane.Cambodia does not want to destroy friendly relations with Vietnam.When Hongma Na visited Vietnam last December, Cambodian senior officials stated that this trip mainly guaranteed to Vietnam that the Dechong Funan Canal will not affect the traffic of the Mekong River.Cambodia has also repeatedly emphasized that this canal will not be used by China for military purposes, and the Cambodian Constitution does not allow any foreign army to enter.

China participates in changing the Balance of Vietnam and Cambodia. China and the United States are fighting for prosperity?

Cambodian relations with China are not secret. China has invested in the construction of this canal for Cambodia, showing that China continues to increase its influence on Cambodia, and has also caused subtle changes in the relationship between the Central South Peninsula countries.

Vietnam has long been regarded as part of Cambodia and Laos as part of the scope of traditional forces, and listed the two countries as "special partners".However, in the past 10 years, China's influence on the old Cambodia has continued to increase, challenging the status of Vietnam.Vietnam is worried that China's investment in the old two countries in Cambodia will cause Hanoi to be economically marginalized; the increasingly close military cooperation between China and Cambodia will also worry that Vietnam will be blocked by China.

Rim Sokvy, a researcher at the Cambodian Regional Research Center, told Lianhe Zaobao that the old Cambodian countries knew that Vietnam's military and economic influence on the Central South Peninsula would not use their good relationships with China to match Vietnam."However, Cambodia and Laos may use this to safeguard their autonomy or prevent Vietnam from interfere in the internal affairs."

Although there are sovereignty disputes in the South China Sea, China and Vietnam have maintained a good relationship in recent years.When China officially visited Vietnam last December, the two countries announced the establishment of a strategic Community of China and Vietnam.US President Biden also visited Vietnam last September and raised relations between the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Cambodia, the United States has repeatedly criticized the human rights record of Cambodia in the past and has worried about China -Cambodia military cooperation.However, when the US Secretary of Defense visited Cambodia in early June, he met with Hun Sen and Hona, and agreed to restore the Ministry of Defense and Military Communication of the two countries, including restoring joint military exercises in Cambodia.Some observers believe that the United States has a counter -effect on Cambodia's sanctions, making Cambodia's relations more closely with China, and thereby prompting the United States to change its strategy to Cambodia.

Ruan Kejiang, a visiting researcher at the Vietnam Research Project of the Easov Isvy East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, believes that the degree of participation of China and the United States in the region is more profitable or disadvantaged for Southeast Asian countries, depending on whether Sino -US relations are good or bad.

He told the United Morning Post: "The benign competition between China and the United States can benefit the Central South Peninsula from the investment and economic cooperation between the two countries.The country's attention to its own socio -economic development.

David Hutt, a researcher at Slovakia's think tank, Slovakia, believes that Vietnam and Cambodia can continue to benefit economic benefits due to the growing attention of Southeast Asia in Southeast Asia.

Huntter interviewed: "Because Cambodia was accused of being a Chinese colony, the United States overkill against Cambodia, and the appeasement of the Cambodian government in many aspects exceeded actual needs. Similarly, because they were worried about the influence of the United States on Hanoi,Beijing is also willing to appease Vietnam on issues that have nothing to do with South China.

"At present, as long as Chinese capital continues to flow, as long as the United States thinks it is necessary to tolerate the negative impact of Vietnam and Cambodia, the Central South Peninsula will benefit."