The development of Chinese military equipment has recently exposed major actions.First, the PLA navy and the heads of the Air Force disclosed during the two sessions of the two sessions of the two sessions respectively revealed that aircraft carriers, J-35 stealth fighters, and Boom-20's new progress , and then the Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported the news that China's new high supersonic drone will directly reach the United States.These signs show that under the context of deepening between the Sino -US game, the PLA is accelerating the racing with the US military.

The PLA currently has three aircraft carriers to launch. Among them, the Liaoning ship and Shandong ships that have taken off in the fighter aircraft have already served.= NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> The Fujian Ship, which takes off with electromagnetic ejection of fighters , is expected to test this year and officially serve.However, compared with the U.S. military with 11 nuclear -powered aircraft carriers, three Chinese aircraft carriers are conventional power, and their basic performance is far less than US aircraft carriers.When China opened a nuclear -powered aircraft carrier, it has attracted much attention from the outside world.

During the two sessions, Yuan Huazhi, the PLA Naval Political Commission, was asked by the Hong Kong media and whether the fourth aircraft carrier in China would use nuclear power and whether there were technical obstacles and other questions: "There is no technical obstacle", "there will be news soon there will be news."" ".When he responded to whether the J-35 stealth fighter appeared in the Liaoning ship, it was "virtuous": "The J-35 has not yet been set, but we will not be blunt."

Yuan Huazhi's statement shows that China has no technical bottleneck in building nuclear -powered aircraft carriers.Although Yuan Huazhi is not sure that China's fourth aircraft carrier is nuclear power, China will start the development of nuclear -powered aircraft carriers.At the same time, although the J-35 has not yet been shaped, the J-35 ship has also been on board.

After the Chinese Air Force equipped a large number of fifth-generation stealth fighter J-20, and the Air Police 500 early warning aircraft and large transport aircraft, the Navy was considered the largest military in China and the United States.In recent years, China has been equipped with new destroyers, frigates, amphibious attack ships and landing ships at the speed of "dumpling dumplings". The gap between the Chinese and American Navy is shrinking.However, in terms of nuclear -powered aircraft carriers, the PLA has to catch up with the U.S. military, and there is still a long way to go.

However, the tasks of Chinese aircraft carriers and US aircraft carriers are very different.US aircraft carriers are global deployment. Chinese aircraft carriers are currently mainly implemented in offshore defenses. Once the Taiwan Strait broke out of conflict, conflict blocks from external military forces to assist Taiwan, instead of conducting ocean -off operations.

From this perspective, the shortcomings that Chinese aircraft carriers urgently need to make up are to speed up fixed -wing early warning aircraft and fifth -generation stealth fighter on board, allowing existing aircraft carriers to play a stronger combat capability, and have a real deterrence.As for whether China's fourth aircraft carrier is nuclear power, it is not so important or urgent.Because nuclear -powered aircraft carrier has a long construction cycle and a heavy verification work, even if China has opened a nuclear -powered aircraft carrier, it may be after 2030 to form a combat effectiveness.

In fact, the PLA is now actively promoting the air police 600 fixed-wing warning aircraft to board the Fujian ship. The carrier-350 stealth fighter test flight number 3503 has also been released recently.It shows that the model is about to be shaped.CCTV also released the news that the carrier-based pilot hopes to fly to the more advanced fighter than the J-15 carrier-based aircraft in 2024. It shows that the J-35 ship was called.

Another "big killer" that the PLA desires is the hidden strategic fighter-20 that the outside world is generally concerned.During the two sessions, Wang Wei, deputy commander of the PLA Air Force, said in an interview with the Hong Kong Business Daily that China ’s stealth strategic bomber is“ fast, you wait. ”"We have no bottlenecks in the process of developing stealth strategic bombers. Our researchers are very good now, and we can solve problems." He even said that the new type of stealth strategic bomber can join the combat sequence immediately after testing.

Wang Wei's statement shows that the progress of the Boom-20 is relatively smooth, and even appeared soon.However, some people have doubts about this. After all, as early as 2016, Ma Xiaotian, then the commander of the PLA Air Force, revealed that China is developing a new long -range bomber.

Some military scholars analyze that the -20-20 cannot be unveiled. It is to target the new generation of strategic bomber B-21 with the US military.Previously, the target of Boom-20 was the U.S. B-2 stealth bomber. Now the B-2 has been outdated. The Boom-20 must keep up with the latest equipment of the US military. Otherwise, it will be behind, and the strategic significance will be greatly reduced.

The stealth strategic fighter is regarded as the last shortcoming of the Chinese triple -in -one nuclear strike.Once the stealth and strong ability and long range of voyage-20, China will have the same nuclear strike methods as the United States and Russia, and the strategic deterrence will improve a level.

But the PLA is not satisfied with the development of the US military's equipment, and it is necessary to develop its own unique "killer", including a stronger high -speed weapon than the United States.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported on March 11 that China is testing the new generation of high supersonic drones. This may be the MD-22 drone that has appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show.The maximum range can reach 8,000 kilometers. Its aerodynamic performance exceeds the US military's F-22 fighter, and can be sent to the United States at a speed of seven Mach.

The senior general of the PLA disclosed the movement of the new equipment during the two sessions.It is necessary to show that the Chinese army is stepping up to realize the modernization of equipment and actively prepare for any opponent.With China's current scientific and technological level and powerful industrial manufacturing capabilities, it is not difficult to upgrade its military equipment.

It is certain that the U.S. military will not wait for the PLA to overtake themselves. Military racing between China and the United States will continue to upgrade and be attracted to the attention of all parties.