Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will visit mainland China in April. The president of the Executive President Chen Jianren will call on Ma Ying -jeou to say "Taiwan is an independent country with sovereignty" to China officially.Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation on Wednesday (27th), rebuked Chen Jianren's remarks as "Taiwan independence claims", and Ma Ying -jeou could not help governing the DPP and Chen Jianren.

Ma Ying -jeou will lead Taiwanese youth students twice from April 1st to 11th to visit Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing.香港01引述北京消息人士确认,中国官方与马英九的第二次“习The Jockey Club is determined to be in the plan , and Beijing is actively inviting another heavyweight politician in Taiwan to log in to visit, or will meet with Chinese officials.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the State Council, did not confirm the second "Xi Jun" at a regular press conference on Wednesday.He said: "We will properly do the activities of Mr. Ma Ying -jeou's visit. We welcome Mr. Ma Ying -jeou to take a group visit and be willing to provide necessary assistance, and also wish Mr. Ma Ying -jeou all the best."

Taiwan media reported a trip to Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the mainland, mentioning that Ma Ying -jeou will meet with China in Beijing on April 8.Xiao Xu Cen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, responded that the relevant itinerary was still arranged and did not make the case. I do not know where the news came from.

last year.The "Republic of China" in the mainland and show that he is the identity of his former president to avoid being dwarfed.Ma Ying -jeou talked about the "Republic of China" several times on the mainland, and was unexpectedly unexpected.Ma Ying -jeou visited the two times, and the noise decreased significantly.

Chen Jianren asked Ma Ying -jeou to meet with Chinese officials when he asked Ma Ying -jeou on Tuesday in the Legislative Yuan, hoping to express that "Taiwan is a country with sovereignty and independence."The DPP legislators also demanded that Ma Ying -jeou should declare "Taiwan's sovereignty."

Xiao Xu Cen rebuked Chen Jianren's statement on the next day as Taiwan independence, violating the Constitution of the Republic of China, Taiwan is not a country and belongs to part of the China (Republic of China).

Xiao Xu Cen emphasized that the DPP did not dare to amend the constitution, but dared to confuse the audiovisual with unconstitutional remarks.The biggest crisis in Taiwan at present is that the Democratic Progressive Party does not follow the constitution, and dares not to make a bright constitutional constitution. The mouth talks to maintain the status quo. However, it secretly follows the Taiwan independence route.

When the Kuomintang vice chairman of the Kuomintang, Xia Liyan, when he hosted the Central Conference on Wednesday, was highly affirmed that Ma Ying -jeou could visit the mainland when the cross -strait situation was tight, which helped the cross -strait peace and stability.