For the National Taiwan Office of Mainland China, he hopes that Wang Xiaofei and Da S will gather well. Some Democratic Progressive Party legislators say that the mainland should also get together and do not disturb the Taiwan.

According to the Liberty Times, the DPP legislator Wang Meihui said on Wednesday (March 27) that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council advised Wang Xiaofei to gather well, "Is China good for Taiwan?"

She said that Taiwan has long been separated from mainland China. The opposite shore still sent military planes to harass Taiwan every day to scare Taiwan.

Wang Meihui described that Wang Xiaofei could not see that the big S was happy and happy, and he could not see that it was not good. Just as mainland China could not see that Taiwan could not be friendly to democratic countries.interference.Mainland China should get together well, don't harass Taiwan anymore.

The dispute between Taiwanese actress Da S and his ex -husband Wang Xiaofei continued to be on the mainland Weibo hot search list.On the 20th, Big S broke the news that Wang Xiaofei was derailed, domestic violence, and owing money. Wang Xiaofei was drunk on the evening of the 22nd to make trouble in Da S Taipei, and was finally driven away by the police.However, four hours after leaving, Wang Xiaofei shouted to report Da S for a long time abuse of drugs, hallucinations, and illegal detention.

In this regard, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland State Office commented on Wednesday that "a family on both sides of the strait, marriage and kiss", but for a few failed marriages, I hope that the parties will "get together well, one or two widths"Essence