The Taiwan Legislative Yuan reads the project team through the establishment of a TV TV to investigate the controversy of obtaining a license to obtain a license to obtain a license.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times United Daily and Central News Agency reported that the Kuomintang legislator Qiu Ruohua and others questioned the Taiwan National Communications Commission (NCC) chairman Chen Yaoxiang's guards to obtain a license.Temporary proposals are required to set up a mirror TV to read a project team.

The Legislative Yuan's Transportation Committee on Wednesday (March 27) was discussed to set up the main points of the work group operation, and the Kuomintang legislator Lu Mingzhe and the DPP legislator Li Kunze proposed drafts.Blue and green all issued Grade A mobilization for this, but under the advantages of the Kuomintang and the number of people's party legislators, the main points of operation passed and recommended Lin Guocheng as the convener of the group.

The main points of the operation of the project group stated that during the operation of the group from now to May 31st, members can read documents from the NCC, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Fair Trading Commission and other units, and go to the relevant units.Relevant persons in visiting and interviews; if the agency refuses to provide confidential documents, it shall be interpreted in writing and confidentiality, and will be sent to the task group for inspection within three days.

The supporting green mirror TV obtained a license in 2022. However, the founder Pei Wei in the recording file of the board of directors of the mirror TV, the content was called Tsai Ing -wen's intention, causing a stir.After the decision, pass its license.

The general party of the People's Party Legislative Yuan party called Huang Guochang to pointed out the DPP official escort shelter shelter TV.During the interview, it was also said that it was necessary to let the people see how the DPP has restrained the media in the past eight years, and even more than 10 billion news station licenses to let the faction use it.