Li Wenzhong, deputy chairman of the Taiwan Retreat Officer and Soldier Counseling Committee, recently called on the president Lai Qingde. After governing, you can consider to further release goodwill to mainland China under the premise of maintaining sovereignty independence.Tone to avoid collision with nationalism with mainland China.

The Taiwan China Times reported on Monday (March 25) that Li Wenzhong and former President Chen Shui -bian's office director Ma Yongcheng and Lai Qingde's office were two staff members.

Li Wenzhong is the new trend of Lai Qingde's most important faction in the Democratic Progressive Party.In 2006, the Chen Shui -bian regime was crumbling due to corruption. Li Wenzhong was one of the few politicians who dared to condemn Chen Shui -bian as one of the "11 Kou" by the dark green.Ma Yongcheng joined the Lai Qingde campaign team last year, and Ding Yuzhou was the Secretary -General of the National Security Council of former President Lee Teng -hui and Chen Shui -bian.

Li Wenzhong said that after Lai Qingde's administration, in addition to continuing the current principles of "self -control, calmness, not provocative", it can be considered that under the premise of maintaining the sovereignty of the "Republic of China", it can further release goodwill to the people of the mainland and Beijing.Adjust the tone of the "Must of the Middle School" in the Green Camp, avoid collisions with the nationalism of mainland China, and stabilize the situation of the Taiwan Straits together.

He issued a statement on Monday night to clarify that Cai Yingwen, Lai Qingde, and the heads of the DPP's important political figures and the heads of the relevant ministries did not have the attitude and discussion of "every China".However, some people in the green camp have this tendency, so they should be adjusted to "every blue and white (in the wild Kuomintang and the People's Party) licking" must be approved.

Li Wenzhong put forward the above claims at this time, which was interpreted as hopes to cause the DPP to discuss internal discussions and test the response from Taiwan society.

Taiwan media reported that Lai Qingde will work on May 20th. He has entered government affairs transfer with Tsai Ing -wen. Tsai Ing -wen has recently arranged Lai Qingde to participate in military talks and discuss of national security affairs.

Ding Yuzhou said in an exclusive interview with the China Times that no one can guarantee that the Taiwan Strait will not wipe the gun and go to fire.In the event of a war, regardless of whether to win or lose, the president and the Guoan team should have "final war guidance". With the minimum loss and the lowest harm of the people, the war is over.

Li Wenzhong believes that political forces leaders are prepared and guided during the war and during the war, and should not be guided by final war.Former chief of staff Li Ximing also believes that Taiwan is a smaller party, and successful resistance and survival are the only goals.Before the enemy did not give up the aggression, discussing the "final war guidance" was easily understood as another form of surrender plan.