Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will visit mainland China next month, and the party chairman Ke Wenzhe said that there are always people who do some things.

According to Lianhe News Network reports, the Party Legislative Yuan party group held a regular morning meeting on Tuesday (March 26) in the morning of the People's Party Legislative Yuan.

When asked about Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu, Ke Wenzhe said that Ma Ying -jeou "has a certain height". Some things still have to do.

Ke Wenzhe said that based on the principle of peer dignity, he would not oppose Ma Ying -jeou's visit to mainland China, but he did not have a plan to visit land.>

According to the Liberty Times Network, whether Ma Ying -jeou will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, said on Tuesday morning that Ma Ying -jeou is a guest and must respect the arrangement of the host.

Xiao Xucen said that Ma Ying -jeou is now "just ordinary people", but based on the important history of creating a "horses" in Singapore that year, of course, he hopes to meet his old friends.

At the invitation of the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou will lead Taiwanese youth students to visit Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing from April 1st to 11th to visit the Chinese cultural historical attractions and enterprises, and attend the ceremony of sacrificing the Huangdi Mausoleum.At the same time, they will also visit Sun Yat -sen University and Peking University with young students.