Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou is about to visit mainland China, and Taiwan media quoted news that he would meet with Xi Jinping, President of Mainland China on April 8.

Ma Ying -jeou announced on Monday (March 25) that it will lead students to visit mainland China on April 1st.At present, Ma Ying -jeou's office and Mainland China State Council have not announced the specific visits.

According to Taiwan Wind Media, the first stop of Ma Ying -jeou's continent is Guangzhou. It is expected to go to Huanghuagang to commemorate 72 martyrs on the 2nd and talk to Youth at Zhongshan University in Guangdong; go to Xi'an on April 3,On the 4th, the Yellow Emperor was sacrificed at Qiaoshan Sacrifice in Qiaoshan County, Huangling County, Shaanxi Province. It is expected to visit the Terracotta Warriors and Horses at the Terracotta Warriors and Horse Museum of Qin Shihuang on the 5th and visit the Shaanxi History Museum.

It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou's party will also go to Huimin Street and Majia Courtyard in Xi'an, a famous snack cultural street in Xi'an, and is expected to visit Beijing on the 7th.It is reported that Ma Ying -jeou will conduct a "Xi Ma Erhui" with Xi Jinping in Beijing on April 8. On the 9th, he discussed with students of Peking University. After visiting the Forbidden City of Beijing on the 10th, he returned to Taiwan on the 11th.

However, Xiao Xucen, the executive chief of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, said in an exclusive interview with a radio program on Tuesday (March 26) that the relevant itinerary is still arranging and did not make the case. "I do not know where the news came from."

Xiao Xucen said that the leaders on both sides of the Taiwan Strait met in Singapore for the first time on November 7, 2015 after 66 years of governance. This meeting allowed cross -strait relations to enter a new stage.Sit down and talk; Ma Ying -jeou has no party and public office. Based on the important history created nine years ago, of course, he hopes to have the opportunity to meet his old friends.

Xiao Xucen said that the 11 -day visit to land is still negotiating; this time when you arrive in Guangdong, you will visit the former residence of the 72 Martyrs Memorial Park of Huanghuagang and Sun Yat -sen Cuiheng Village;Student communication.He said that Ma Ying -jeou planned to visit Lu for the second time. Based on respect for the Presidential Palace, he had reported and provided a rough trip; he thanked the government for respecting and willing to provide a security maintenance arrangement for expressing gratitude.In addition, before the announcement, there was a report to the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun.

What would he say if he could see Xi Jinping in response to the host Huang Yanhan?Xiao Xuzen said that Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu, no matter who saw anyone, would hope to convey the voice of Taiwanese; the people of the Taiwanese hope that both sides of the strait should be peaceful, communicate with each other, and do not talk badly.Do not war.

In response to whether to worry about the "Xi Ma Erhui", Xiao Xucen said that the DPP has no favors on cross -strait relations, and there are so many packages of people's livelihood.Anyone who hinders Taiwan's peace and cross -strait peace is the interests of Taiwan, and they are betrayal of Taiwan.