Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou will visit mainland China in April, and the outside world is highly concerned about his trip.On Wednesday (March 27) of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, "I am willing to provide necessary assistance, and I wish Mr. Ma Ying -jeou all the best."

According to China News Service, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a routine press conference on Wednesday, and some media asked Ma Ying -jeou to visit the mainland again.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, replied that he would properly do the activities of Ma Ying -jeou's visits, and expressed his welcome to visit Ma Ying -jeou to visit the group and be willing to provide necessary assistance.

The CEO of Ma Ying -jeou Foundation, Xiao Xucen, held a press conference on Monday (March 25) that at the invitation of the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou will lead young students to go to Guangdong and Shaanxi, the mainland from April 1st to 11th from April 1st to 11th.Visit the historical attractions of Chinese culture and enterprises, and attend the ceremony of sacrificing the Yellow Emperor.

Chen Binhua later announced that Ma Ying -jeou will lead Taiwanese youths to find roots and exchanges in Guangdong, Shaanxi, Beijing and other places to participate in activities such as "Jiachen (2024) Qingming Gong Xuanyuan Huangdi Ceremony" and other activities.

Ma Ying -jeou returned to Hunan to worship the ancestors in Hunan, mainland China at the end of March 2023. In July of the same year, he invited students from five mainland universities such as Peking University to exchange in Taiwan.When Ma Ying -jeou's visit to the mainland, Lai Qingde, who was waiting for the president in Taiwan and claiming to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers" on May 20, was highly concerned about whether he would meet with Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China again.

According to a report from Beijing, some media asked questions at the press conference, while Chen Binhua answered that there is no information that can be provided.

Reported that Chen Binhua mentioned in the media's follow -up question, mentioning "Mr. Ma Ying -jeou's visit, everyone is very concerned", and once again emphasized that he will properly do the related activities of Ma Ying -jeou's trip.