Urban household registration can also be relocated to the countryside.

On March 26, the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department launched seven service measures for public interest enterprises, including: comprehensively liberalizing the restrictions on the settlement of urban and towns, and relaxing the policy of settlement in rural areas.It is clear that after the implementation of the household registration system in Hunan Province on February 3, 2016, the household registration population moved from rural areas to rural areas to urban areas can apply for residential account book to move the household registration back to the original place to settle.Those who have no family and friends who accept their households can settle in public collective households in the local village (neighborhood) committee; citizens who obtain the right to use rural homesteads and apply for a certificate of property rights in accordance with the law can apply for a household registration with the certificate of property rights.The location of moved to the rural homestead.

my country's urban and rural dual -system structure has long been existed for a long time, and it has also accumulated a certain social contradiction and identity conflict.In the past, for a considerable period of time, urban household registration was directly bound to welfare with education, medical care, and pensions, and "jumped out of farmers" and realized the popularity of "farm transfer" to become generations of rural people.Today, on the one hand, with the deepening of household registration reform, the identity privilege attached to the city's hukou has gradually been stripped, and public services have achieved a wider balanced balance; on the other hand, with the value -added of rural land and the development of the collective economy in the rural areas,The gold content of rural hukou is getting higher and higher.In some areas, there are "dual structures in urban and rural areas", and the so -called "there is a car and a building is not as good as that in the countryside."

Therefore, many people no longer regard "farming and non -transfer" as a path of identity transition, and even in the contrary, they hope to retain and re -obtain rural household registration and obtain rural development dividends. In particular, there are many colleges and universities from rural areas who graduate.Sheng hopes to move back to the countryside.Some scholars call it "the process of adverse urbanization."

The household registration between urban and rural areas has achieved two -way flow. "Workers and farmers" can switch between each other, indicating that the deep gap between urban and rural areas between China is disappearing.This is precisely the era dividend brought by China's high -speed urbanization.

China's long -term household registration policy is still strong. It has always been a one -way channel for "farming to non -". It is difficult to get rid of the city's unidirectional channel.In particular, many local household registration policies have always been very uncertain, making the people who want to relocate suffer a series of troubles.

Three years ago, Shandong became the first province in China to announce that farmers who entered the city to return to their hometowns and settled in: allowing eligible college students and veterans to enter the countryside to start their hometowns, and the original entry of the use of rural homesteads to useThe city's rural population returned to the countryside.

This time, the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department made it clear that after the reform of the household registration system in 2016, the household registration population moved from rural areas to rural areas to urban areas can be moved back in accordance with the regulations, which meets the reasonable demands of a large number of people.The embarrassment of "one -way flow" between urban and rural identity.It should be explained that the relocation of individuals in the countryside involves a complex interest game such as individuals and village collective economic organizations and homesteads involving homesteads.Management is troublesome, and many interest games can be left to the people.

The relocation of urban household registration in rural areas means more talents, especially senior talents (large and middle school graduates) will inject vitality into the construction of new rural areas and will provide rich labor resources.Returning hometown will inevitably drive back the hometown with technology, funds, knowledge, and information, and become a factor resource for the construction of new rural areas.

The city has the excitement of the city, the rural areas are wonderful in rural areas.There is one option.