Lai Qingde, who advocates "pragmatic Taiwan independence", "Peace Baozai" and "pro -China Love Terrace", will work on May 20.At this stage, cross -strait relations have fallen into the worst state of direct election in Taiwan. As predicted, the critical point of the edge of the war is getting closer and closer, and the risk factor has continued to rise.The China Times of the Taiwan Times today, believes that to dismiss the upcoming political storm of the two sides of the strait, Lai Qingde can re -propose and interpret "pro -China Ai Tai" and "Peace Baozai", and give it the meaning of goodwill and reconciliation.

The article pointed out that although Lai Qingde claims to continue Cai Yingwen's "maintaining the status quo" and "cross -strait do not affiliate the theory", this is not conducive to alleviating the hostility and stalemate of both sides of the strait.At the same time, compared with Lai Qingde's previous "pragmatic Taiwan independence", "cross -strait relations are international relations", "cross -strait do not affiliate with each other" and the default "Taiwanese are not Chinese", and throwing the discussion of "Peace -to -Baozai" and "Four Peace Pillar"Obviously Lai Qingde's cross -strait claims are more two -sided, provocative, radical and disruptive than Cai Yingwen.

In order to prevent cross -strait relations from falling into dangerous situations, if Lai Qingde's cross -strait discussion can be transferred from "pragmatic Taiwan independence" to "pro -China love Taiwan", it should have a positive role in peace in Taiwan.Or such as aesthetic scholars Ge Laiyi and others proposed that Lai Qingde should freeze the "Taiwan independence party platform" before working to alleviate cross -strait relations.Since Lai Qingde was elected 40 % of the leaders of the Taiwan region through election, 60 % of the Kuomintang and the Taiwan people's party, which supported the "1992 Consensus" and the "family on both sides of the strait".As a self -expectation, human characters must be adjusted from "minority" to support of "national", and they are responsible for taking the task of integrating the integration of "Chao Ye" and cross -strait policies.

The mainland opposes "Taiwan independence", and the United States also claims to "do not support Taiwan independence". It is recommended that the outside world suggests to freeze and handle the DPP's "Taiwan independence partyline".This helplessly resolve the deadlock between the two sides of the strait.The article pointed out that in the face of cross -strait relations that are about to conflict, Lai Qingde should strengthen management and control differences to carry out crisis management and release political and goodwill, including interpretation of "pro -China Ai Tai", "abolition of the Democratic Progressive Party's party," and "accepting '1992 consensus consensus'Not a problem "and other discussions.

From the DPP, to resolve the upcoming political storm on both sides of the strait, the DPP must recognize the "1992 Consensus" or at least propose a new consensus that the two parties can accept."Documents" said, if Lai Qingde could claim to "oppose legal Taiwan independence", it may be able to exclude the upcoming political storm on both sides of the strait.

Looking at Lai Qingde's 520 inauguration, it seems that he can rethink the goodwill of Lai Qingde.For example, "I don't want to be an enemy on both sides of the strait", "can be friends", "enjoy democracy and freedom on both sides of the strait";If you can re -propose and interpret "pro -China Love Terrace" and "Peace Bao Tai", and give them goodwill and explanation, this may help loosening tensions and hostile cross -strait relations.

This article is excerpted from the author of Taiwan China Times Liu Jincai as an associate professor in Taiwan Foguang University